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Extract Numbers after each point and write in different capturing groups

Hi, i am struggeling with the follwing problem: Input String "" -> Result "Value: 1 2 3 4" REGEXP('', 'dont know how to do this', 'Value: $1') Important is that i can set the Numbers of results i will receive. e.g. when i Set ...



Read URL from reverse

Dear all, i need to parse the url and get the last part of the string. for example : or i need to read the part "manage" i was earlier ...

REGEXP_LIKE Regex URL substring string conversion


Question on Regular expression

Scenario One column is there with the name of d1 and its row value is : "The cookies of this site". I want the value of second word only("The cookies") not using INSTR/Substring but using regexp. I tried to select only two initial words using...



Split function in Denodo does not work! (second way) Regex for complex string in Denodo

I am basically trying to split the following string in Denodo and trying to create new columns in the database for each value. my_string = ABLMNC_154342_O_UW_UA-UCOU_SMC The problem i am facing is when i split the string, Denodo creates an arra...

Regex Split


Count the number of commas is a string

Is there a way to count the occurences of a comma in a string? I need to filter out any rows there there are NOT exactly 3 commas in that field.

Regex count


Remove duplicate words with a regular expressión

Hello: I have this input: abc,abc,123,000,123,000 And I need to remove duplicates words. The output must be: abc,123,000 I'm using this regexp: \b(\w+)\b\s,\s(?=.*\1) but it doesn't work. I'm testing in this page were works:

Duplicates Regex


RegexExp to extract value between parentheses

I am trying to use the following formula to return the value that is between parentheses in a field. For some reason it is just returning the exact same value. I am pretty sure this REGEX is valid. regexp(bv_epic_tpi_inventory_report.hcco, '/(([^)]+)...

Formula Regex


regexp on a string of data between special characters

Hello, I have a data coming to a coloum as following, $kjsfdlesjfdflkdfche$ something. some more text $ornikvempo$ few more text I need to select the column to look as -- something. some more text few more text, basically I want to remove everything...
