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Multiple CSV files in AWS S3 folder location

Trying to figure out the logic to put in the path or the pattern field to create a base view that will utilize ALL CSV files in a particular S3 bucket folder location. DFSDelimitedTextFileWrapper is the wrapper being used currently. Is there someth...

AWS S3 Mulitple Files


How to search for a range of dates based on a text value - Interpolation variable

I currently have a baseview that with an interpolation variable for a date value that can be used to dynamically target a specific CSV file on AWS S3 as the source. select * from hcc_dv.dv_ctigeneral_s3_gdw_backupdate where backupdate = '09-01-2021' ...

Interpolation Variables AWS S3


Dynamic Path for Custom S3 Wrapper

I have a backup file that is time stamped like this each day: GDW_08-30-2021.csv The current path to reference this file in the custom wrapper via AWS S3... looks like this: /gdw_backup/GDW_08-30-2021.csv is there a way to embed a caclulated value ...

Formula Dynamic CSV AWS S3 Distributed File System Custom Wrapper


Access to data sources on S3

Hi. Several days ago I started to test Denodo Standard 8.0 (free trial) for learning yours platform on AWS. And now when I try to connect S3 file system for my test cluster I have such problems (



Denodo unable to fetch all the records for an entity which contains different Schemas file extensions for the parquet files from S3

Hello, I tried to create a base with file pattern (.) for the parquet file entity/table in s3 region. Then, when i excute the count query to fetch all the recodrs in the entity.I could able to get the below mentioned error. Finished with error: Error ...

custom S3 HDFSCustomWrapper; S3 DENODO AWS S3 Create Base View


Store logs in csv format S3

Hello, I have set up the log4j.xml file to store the VDP-queries log to S3 location. I can see that the files stored are in an unreadable format. Can you please let me know if I can store them in csv format? I have followed the below link to set it up...

AWS S3 query logs logging log4j2.xml


Issues connecting Amazon S3 bucket with Denodo VDP

Hi team, I'm trying to connect Denodo and retrieve CSV files from a S3 Bucket. I have followed all the steps provided in this article:



Denodo cache in AWS

What is the best database alternative to use in AWS as Denodo cache? (having S3 as main source to create "virtual datamarts").



joining multiple base view error via custom wrapper parquet file in S3.

Hi Team, I am getting below error while creating the derived view from joining multiple base view. Accessing the AWS S3 bucket data source from custom wrapper parquet file in S3. [CUSTOM WRAPPER] [ERROR] Received exception with message 'Error accessi...

S3 parquet file DENODO AWS S3 derived view custom wrapper


Denodo to S3 connection at a bucket level ( not an object level)

Hello Denodo Team, I have a need to connect from Denodo to a S3 bucket. The S3 bucket receives daily incremental files of a specific object ( same structure for all files ). For example, let us say that S3 bucket contains Campaign data. I will continue...

S3 bucket AWS S3