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Using SSIS to source Data from Denodo

I am sourcing data from Denodo using SSIS, I am getting the error below and I dont have an idea what i could be doing wrong, Please assist. [ADO NET Source [2]] Error: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException (0x80040E14): ERROR: Syntax error: Exception parsi...

@primavera @data-server AWS HIVE JDBI Connection URI Bulk Data Load @wsdl SSIS 'Java heap space' DENODO SSIS


Authentication Issue Related to Ingesting Primavera (P6) SOAP WSDL url as a Web Service in Denodo

Goal: Add Primavera (P6) SOAP WSDL url as a web service in Denodo and query the data. Was able to connect to the wsdl served by primavera using the url as the data source for the web service. It might not be relevant but corporate proxy configurations...

webservices @primavera @wsdl