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tutorials and use cases

i'am searching online for tutorials and use cases to practice my skills i've finished the tutorials that i found in the community site i want more complexe use cases whith available data

denodo training


starting lanching the design studio

what is the différence between starting the design studio and launching the design studio ?

denodo training


Denodo RESTFul WS

how To generate the HTML Representation of the Denodo RESTFul WS ?

denodo training


intersection view

does the input views must have the same schema ?

denodo training


soap webservice data source

what data source to use for connectiing to soap web service is it just the web service wrappers or we can une in some exceptions an xml wrappers

denodo training



a join can only be performed by using a derived view ?

denodo training


project management

Is it a best practice to mix development and production schemas in the same server?

denodo training


project management environments

which user/s can create, modify and remove environments?

denodo training


cost-based optimization

What are the minimal conditions needed for the cost-based optimization of an execution plan?

denodo training


Erreur CAS

yesterday i was in my training account watching videos enterning my courses everything was normal i colsed my computer everything was fine today when i tried to access my training acount i got this message " CAS n''a pas pu traiter cette requête : "{0}...

denodo training