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I have a list of several thousand part numbers in excel. Today, I have a manual process where I go to a website (some of the websites require login): 1) enter a single part number in a search box 2) Click the search button, which takes me to another pa...



Syntax for Last Ten Years Using addyear from XtraFuncs

Hello, Here is my current condition: todate('MM/dd/yyyy', ITEM.datefiled) >= addyear(getday(), -10) I would like to modify this so that it will only bring back the last ten years from whatever date it is currently. Thank you

Extra Functions Help ITP XtraFuncs ITPILOT


Where can you upload the .jar files from the Xtrafuncs for ITP to be able to use them in a project?

Where can you upload the .jar files from the Xtrafuncs for ITP to be able to use them in a project? I downloaded the manual and .jar files and am not sure where to put them to be able to use in projects.

itpilot itp Xtra Functions denodo


Downloading an image from page without extracting URL

Is there anyway to download an image from a website and download it into a folder on a local computer? I see that there is an option to "Click and..." convert to Word, Pdf, and Excel but not an image. I know that it is possible to extract the URL of...

image itpilot download itp denodo extraction


Downloading an image from page

Is there anyway to download an image from a website and download it into a folder on a local computer? I see that there is an option to "Click and..." convert to Word, Pdf, and Excel but not an image.

image download ITP ITPilot