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Can you please provide a shell script through which I can connect to a particular Database in Denodo using "Driverclassname", "URL" , USERID , PASSWORD or other details of a JDBC connection. Please let me know incase of any other information needed.
Hi, Can you please assist me to invoke the Denodo Job with dependecies option using shell schipt. I can see only below options and don't see start-with-dependecies option sh -start load_dv_added_current_frozen_vw -h sjgdvappd...
I would like to execute the "../bin/" script on server A to create a virtual database via a VQL script on server B. Here is the script I ran in server A (to run some action in server B) /app/denodo/denodo_6.0/bin/ -su -f /app/denodo/...
Dear Denodo Support, Is there a way of listing exisitng databases (VDB) defined in VDP? I am interested how could this be done from shell scrip on Denodo running on Linux. I was looking under $DENODO_HOME/work/vdp/repository but it seems that not all ...