The Denodo4Eclipse plugin is deprecated and it may be removed in future major versions of the Denodo Platform.
The section Denodo4Eclipse Plugin of the Upgrade Guide provides details about the alternatives to using this plugin.
The Denodo Platform includes the plugin “Denodo4E”. This plugin helps developers to create, deploy and more importantly, debug the custom extensions for the Denodo Platform. The ability to debug an extension at runtime makes the development of extensions easier.
This guide explains how to use the plugin for the Eclipse IDE “Denodo4E”, it does not explain how to develop these extensions. For more information about the APIs that Denodo provides, see:
The section Developing Extensions of the “Virtual DataPort Developer Guide”.
The section Creating Custom ITPilot Functions of the “ITPilot Developer Guide”.
Who Should Use This Document¶
This document is aimed at developers of Denodo that want to develop custom extensions for Virtual DataPort or ITPilot.
Summary of Contents¶
More specifically, this document includes two tutorials to create, deploy and debug extensions:
One for Virtual DataPort
Another one for the ITPilot Wrapper Generation Tool.