The Denodo Extension Wizard

Denodo4E provides a wizard for adding new extensions to existing Denodo Extension projects. To open this wizard, click the menu File > New > Other….. You will find the wizard under the Denodo4E category.

New Project wizard

New Project wizard 2

Supported Project Types

New extensions can only be added to Denodo Extension projects containing extensions for the VDP/ITP Server or the Wrapper Generation Tool, as only one extension per project is allowed in the case of Aracne/Scheduler.

Wizard Configuration

The Denodo Extension wizard consists of one page, where the following parameters must be configured:

  • Extension: this parameter allows specifying the type of Denodo extension that will be added to the selected project. Different types will be available depending on whether the selected project contains extensions for the VDP/ITP Server or the Wrapper Generation Tool (see Supported Extension Types for more details).

  • Package: the package where the new extension will be added. Click Browse… to select any of the packages contained in the selected project, or you can manually type a package name.

  • Name: name of the generated extension template class.

New Denodo Extension  Wizard

New Denodo Extension Wizard

Once all the configuration work is done, click Finish and a new extension will be added to the selected project. Note that new dependencies will be automatically added to the project’s classpath if necessary (required libraries will be taken from the Denodo Platform home directory configured for the selected project). For example, if you add a new Stored Procedure to a project which only contained VDP Custom Functions, new libraries will be added to the project’s classpath.

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