Denodo Application Debug Configuration¶
Denodo4E adds a new type of debug configuration to Eclipse called Denodo Application which allows debugging extensions for Denodo servers and applications (see Running and Debugging for more details on launch/debug configurations).
There are several variants of the Denodo Application debug configuration type depending on what Denodo application is going to be debugged:
VDP/ITP server.
Aracne server.
Scheduler server.
Wrapper Generation Tool.
VDP Administration Tool and the Browser Pool, Verification and Index/Search Engine servers.
You can access the Denodo4E Configurations dialog by clicking Run > Denodo4E Debug Configurations > Denodo4E Configurations… or using the Denodo4E Configurations… option in the Denodo4E pull-down button in the debug toolbar.

Denodo Run menu¶

Denodo4E dialog¶
Wrapper Generation Tool and the VDP/ITP, Aracne and Scheduler Servers¶
The following options are available in the Denodo Application tab when the selected application is the VDP/ITP, Aracne or Scheduler server or the Wrapper Generation Tool:
Denodo Platform Home Directory: here it must be specified the Denodo Platform’s installation directory. The Browse… button can be used for convenience, but the directory can also be typed manually.
Application: use this combo box to select which Denodo application is going to be launched and debugged.
Projects with Extensions to Debug: this is a list of the Eclipse projects which are going to be linked to the selected Denodo application when it is launched. Click Add… to add one or more Denodo Extension projects from the Eclipse project’s list and click Remove to remove the selected projects from the list.
Debug Port: the port used to receive debugging information from the Java Virtual Machine after the Denodo application is launched. Any free port number can be used.
The “Common” tab you can see in the screenshot is common for all of the Eclipse launch/debug configuration types, please see Creating a Java application launch configuration for more information.

Auxiliary Debug Configurations¶
If the selected application is the VDP/ITP, Aracne or Scheduler server, it is possible to create auxiliary debug configurations. This is useful if you need to run several Denodo applications to debug a particular extension. For example, you may need to run both the VDP/ITP Server and the Scheduler Server in order to test and debug a custom Exporter.
The following auxiliary debug configurations can be created depending on the selected application:
VDP/ITP Server
VDP Administration Tool
Browser Pool Server
Verification Server
Aracne Server
VDP/ITP Server
Scheduler Server
Index/Search Engine Server
Browser Pool Server
Scheduler Server
VDP/ITP Server
Aracne Server
Index/Search Engine Server
Browser Pool Server

Auxiliary Debug Configurations¶

Auxiliary Debug Configurations¶

Auxiliary Debug Configurations¶
The required auxiliary configurations will be created after pressing Apply or Debug. The new configurations will inherit any relevant parameter from the main configuration and will be automatically given a name. Both the name and any other configuration parameter can be edited if necessary.
VDP Administration Tool and the Browser Pool, Verification and Index/Search Engine Servers¶

Debug Configurations¶
In this case, only the Denodo Platform Home Directory and the Application parameters are available. Neither the VDP Administration Tool nor the Browser Pool, Verification and Index/Search Engine servers are extensible, so no other options are necessary in their case. They have been included here for convenience. For example: whenever a VDP/ITP Server instance is launched using Denodo4E, instead of opening the Denodo Platform Control Center and launching the VDP Administration Tool, it may be easier to have a debug configuration for the VDP Administration Tool and just launch it from Eclipse.
Other Considerations¶
It is possible to add new classes to a Denodo Extension project while it is being debugged, as long as they belong to packages that already existed when the Denodo Application debug configuration was launched.
When debugging an extension which has already been deployed (see The Deploy Wizard for more details), the results obtained when executing such extension will always correspond to the Eclipse workspace version of the extension.
When debugging an ITPilot Custom Function, a VDP Custom Function or a VDP Custom Policy (see Supported Extension Types for more details) Eclipse may show you a warning like the one in the screenshot if you are using hot code replacement. This is due to a limitation of the JVM. If this happens you can click Continue and the changes will be active in the next execution of the updated methods.

Obsolete Methods Warning¶