VDP/ITP Server Tutorial¶
In this tutorial you will learn how to use Denodo4E to create, debug and deploy a custom stored procedure for Virtual DataPort.
The Denodo4Eclipse plugin is deprecated and it may be removed in future major versions of the Denodo Platform.
The section Denodo4Eclipse Plugin of the Upgrade Guide provides details about the alternatives to using this plugin.
Creating an Extension Project with a Custom Stored Procedure¶
We are going to create a Denodo Extension project with a VDP Stored Procedure.
Step #1
Launch Eclipse and click the menu File > New > Project….. Select Denodo Extension Project (category Denodo4E) and click Next.

New Denodo Extension Project Wizard¶
Provide these values:
Project name: my-stored-procedure
JRE: select a JRE version 8. This is the version of the JRE with which Denodo runs.
Click Next.
Step #2
Enter these values:
Denodo Platform Home Directory: directory of the local installation of Denodo (e.g.
).Denodo application: select Denodo VDP/ITP Server.
Extension configuration:
Extension: select Denodo VDP Stored Procedure.
Package: enter
Name: enter

New Denodo Extension Project Wizard¶
Click Finish. You now have a new project called my-stored-procedure.

The new project contains the class CustomStoredProcedure
in the package com.denodo.test.extension
. The classpath of the project includes the libraries necessary to develop a custom stored procedure.
A project can contain several Denodo extensions. To add more, you can use the Denodo Extension wizard.
Creating Debug Configurations for the VDP/ITP Server and the VDP Administration Tool¶
The first time you debug an extension you have to set up a “Denodo4E configuration”. To do this, click the menu Run > Denodo4E Debug Configurations > Denodo4E Debug Configurations.

Denodo4E Configurations¶
After clicking Apply, a configuration for launching the VDP Administration Tool will also be created:

Denodo4E Configurations¶
Starting the VDP/ITP Server in Debug Mode¶
Go back to the VDP-ITP Server configuration and click Debug to launch the VDP server in debug mode, linked to the my-stored-procedure project (this project can depend on other Eclipse projects or external jar files; see Support for Dependencies for more details).
If you open the Debug perspective (menu Window > Open Perspective > Debug) you will see something like this:

Debug Perspective¶
Click Terminate () to close the debug session and stop the Virtual DataPort server.
Click Disconnect () to close the debug session but leave the Virtual DataPort server running.
Debugging the Stored Procedure¶
First of all, go again to the Denodo4E Configurations dialog, select Denodo VDP Administration Tool and click Debug to launch the VDP Administration Tool.
Once the tool has started, log in and go to File > New… > Stored procedure.
Enter a value in the field Name and enter com.acme.extension.CustomStoredProcedure
in the field Class name parameter.
If we were developing a custom wrapper the process would be similar, but we would have to go to the menu File > New… > Data source > Custom. On the other hand, custom functions do not need to be imported to be available.
Click Ok to create the Stored Procedure.

Virtual DataPort administration tool - New Stored Procedure Wizard¶

Virtual DataPort administration tool - New Stored Procedure Wizard¶
Go back to Eclipse and set a breakpoint in the doCall
method of the CustomStoredProcedure
In the Administration Tool, click Execute, set any integer value for the number parameter (this is an input value defined in the template Stored Procedure) and then click Ok. The execution will be interrupted and Eclipse will display the debug information:

Debug Perspective¶
You can use now any features available in the Eclipse debugger, including Hot code replacement, to debug the Stored Procedure. For example, replace lines 89 and 90 of the doCall method with the following code and then save the changes:
getProcedureResultSet().addRow(new Object[] {
new Long(1234)
Now resume the execution. In the VDP Administration Tool, you will see something like this:

Virtual DataPort administration tool - Stored Procedure tab¶
Deploying the Stored Procedure¶
Now that we have a functional stored procedure, we are going to deploy it to the server.
First, stop the VDP/ITP Server and the VDP Administration Tool that were launched from Eclipse. Then open the Denodo Platform Control Center and launch again the server and the administration tool (these steps are not necessary for the deploy, but we will use them for testing this scenario).
Back in Eclipse, open the contextual menu over the my-stored-procedure project and click Deploy Extensions… to open the Deploy wizard (see The Deploy Wizard for more details). Configure the wizard as you can see in the screenshot and click Finish (you may need to change some of the values to adapt them to your configuration).

Deploy Denodo Extension¶
After the deployment process is over, go to the VDP Administration Tool and click the menu File > Refresh. You will see a new stored procedure in the left tree: deployedstoredprocedure
. Double-click it to see its configuration details and to execute it.

Virtual DataPort administration tool - Stored Procedure tab¶
Note that the Stored Procedure created during the debugging process (myfirststoredprocedure) is still there, but you will not be able to see its configuration details or to execute it unless you start the server from Eclipse using the Denodo4E Configuration we created in this tutorial. So, now that the development of our new Stored Procedure is over, you may want to drop myfirststoredprocedure.