Example of Use¶
This section shows a simple example of how to use the API.
The application starts connecting to an execution server installed in the ‘acme’ machine in port 9999. Next, a reference to the wrapper called “Movies” is obtained whose schema is the same used as an example in the preceding section:
where TITLE and DIRECTOR are optional search fields.
Then, a query is issued to the wrapper using the input parameter DIRECTOR with the value “Woody Allen”, and the results are processed and shown in the standard output.
To process the results, the hierarchical structure of ValueVO
elements is navigated. First, the objects SimpleVO
are obtained that
represent the atomic fields TITLE and DIRECTOR. Then the compound field
EDITIONS, which is represented by an object ArrayVO
that contains an
object RegisterVO
for each edition of the film. Each of these
registers contains the atomic fields FORMAT, PRICE and DESCRIPTION. All
atomic fields are of the type text
except the field PRICE, which is
a double
Finally, any possible errors produced during execution are checked.
package com.denodo.itpilot.client;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Iterator;
import com.denodo.vdb.vdbinterface.common.clientResult.vo.sentences.ValueVO;
import com.denodo.vdb.vdbinterface.common.clientResult.vo.sentences.SimpleVO;
import com.denodo.vdb.vdbinterface.common.clientResult.vo.sentences.ArrayVO;
import com.denodo.vdb.vdbinterface.common.clientResult.vo.sentences.RegisterVO;
import com.denodo.vdb.vdbinterface.client.printer.standard.StandardRowVO;
public class ITPilotExample {
public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
// Connect to server
HTMLWrapperServerProxy server = new HTMLWrapperServerProxy("acme", 9999);
// Get Wrapper
HTMLWrapperProxy wrapper = server.getHTMLWrapper("Movies");
// Prepare query params
Map queryParams = new HashMap();
queryParams.put("DIRECTOR", "Woody Allen");
// Execute query
HTMLWrapperResultIterator results = wrapper.query(queryParams);
// Iterate results
int numOfTuples = 0;
while (results.hasNext()) {
StandardRowVO tuple = (StandardRowVO) results.next();
/* Process each tuple */
System.out.print(numOfTuples + ". ");
// Get and print atomic fields: TITLE, DIRECTOR
SimpleVO titleVO = (SimpleVO) tuple.getValue("TITLE");
String title = (String) titleVO.getValue();
System.out.println("TITLE:" + title);
SimpleVO directorVO = (SimpleVO) tuple.getValue("DIRECTOR");
String director = (String) directorVO.getValue();
System.out.println("DIRECTOR:" + director);
// Get EDITIONS array
ArrayVO editionsVO = (ArrayVO) tuple.getValue("EDITIONS");
// Iterate over EDITION registers
int numEditions = 0;
Iterator editions = editionsVO.getValues().iterator();
while (editions.hasNext()) {
System.out.println("EDITION: " + numEditions);
RegisterVO editionVO = (RegisterVO) editions.next();
Map edition = editionVO.getValues();
SimpleVO formatVO = (SimpleVO) editionVO.get("FORMAT");
String format = (String) formatVO.getValue();
System.out.println("\t FORMAT:" + format);
DoubleVO priceVO = (DoubleVO) editionVO.getValue("PRICE");
Double price = priceVO.getDouble();
System.out.println("\t PRICE:" + price);
SimpleVO descriptionVO = (SimpleVO) editionVO.getValue("DESCRIPTION");
String description = (String) descriptionVO.getValue();
System.out.println("\tDESCRIPTION:" + description);
// Check errors
if (results.checkErrors())
System.out.println("Error: " + results.getErrorDescription());
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Error trying to access server ... ");
} finally {
// ...