Processing Query Results

The query method for executing queries to a wrapper returns as a result an instance of the class com.denodo.itpilot.client.HTMLWrapperResultIterator. This class (which implements the interface java.util.Iterator) provides asynchronous access to the results of the query made.

Results being accessed in an asynchronous manner means that the server will return results of the query as they are obtained from the source (it is important to remember that the wrapper obtains the data from the source in real time through the network).

The method hasNext() checks if there are still elements to return. Due to the asynchronous behavior of this case, this method must be used before accessing each element, to make sure that data elements are available.

The method next() of HTMLWrapperResultIterator obtains the next result. In this case, each result is an instance of the class


The value associated with each field will be obtained by invoking the method:

com.denodo.vdb.vdbinterface.common.clientResult.vo.sentences.ValueVO getValue (String fieldname)

, where fieldname is the name of the desired field.

The method next() will throw an exception of type NoSuchElementException if there are no available data at that moment, even if the wrapper still has results to return. Thus the necessity of using the method hasNext().

As mentioned in the preceding section, the value of a field can be atomic or compound. If it is atomic, the instance of ValueVO belongs to the subclass SimpleVO. SimpleVO is an abstract class which subclasses are related to the basic types available in ITPilot: TextVO, IntVO, LongVO, FloatVO, DoubleVO, DateVO, BooleanVO, BlobVO. The subclasses IntVO, LongVO, FloatVO, DoubleVO and BooleanVO provide a method getXXX (where XXX represents the name of the data type) to access their values. For example, IntVO provides the method:

java.lang.Integer getInt()

In the case of BlobVO, the following method is provided:

java.lang.Byte[] getBytes()

In the case of DateVO, this is the method:

long getTime()

In addition, the SimpleVO superclass provides a representation of the value as a character string accessible through the getValue() method. See Javadoc documentation for detail.

If the value is compound, the instance of ValueVO could represent an array of registers (subclass ArrayVO) or a register (subclass RegisterVO). In the case of a list of registers the method ArrayVO.getValues() returns the list of the registers it contains (instances of the subclass RegisterVO).

Page type in ITPilot is represented as a register (subclass RegisterVO) that contains the following fiels:

  • ConnectionType (0: default, 1: MSIE, 3: Denodo Browser): Browser type used to retrieve the page.

  • URL: URL of the page.

  • Method: HTTP method used to retrieve the page (GET or POST).

  • Parameters: HTTP POST parameters used to retrieve the page.

  • Cookies: Cookies associated to the page.

See the Javadoc documentation to see more detailed information on the methods and properties of the class ValueVO and its subclasses.

Another important aspect of processing queries is dealing with any errors that may arise (e.g. error connecting to the data source). There are two methods for this of the class HTMLWrapperResultIterator:

  • Boolean checkErrors(). Allows you to check if an error has occurred during query execution. Returns true if an error has occurred and false if not.

  • String getErrorDescription(). Where errors have occurred, this allows you to obtain a textual description of it. Otherwise, it returns null. In wrappers created with versions previous to the 5.5, the custom error messages (no longer supported from version 5.5) are accessed through this method.

The method getTraceEvents() returns the list of records (RegisterVO) added by wrapper components to the execution trace (see ITPilot Generation Environment Guide).

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