Using Wrappers

Once a reference to a wrapper has been obtained (instance of the class HTMLWrapperProxy) various operations can be carried out on it, through the methods of said class.

To execute a query to a wrapper we will use the method HTMLWrapperResultIterator query(Map parameters).

The query to be executed is represented as a map of pairs name of attribute/value. The attribute names must match the names of the input parameters specified during the creation of the wrapper.

The values must be specified as character strings, even when the input parameters expected by the wrapper belong to other type. For example, if a wrapper is expecting a float-type parameter, and we want to assign the value 3.25 when invoking it, we must pass the 3.25 string. In the case of float, double and date data types, it is important to make sure that the values are provided according to the internationalization configuration specified in the wrapper Init component or, in case of date data types, the date pattern if it was set.

It is important to take into account that for the query to execute correctly, a value must be specified for all the mandatory attributes. See ITPilot Generation Environment Guide for more information on the process of generating wrappers in ITPilot.

Although most of the applications will not require this, a wrapper schema can be obtained using the method HTMLWrapperMetaRegisterRawVO getSchema().

This method returns the schema of the results returned by the wrapper and the characteristics of the atomic fields that form part of said schema. The schema was defined during the generation of the wrapper (see ITPilot Generation Environment Guide).

The results returned by a wrapper follow a hierarchical structure. Each output tuple contains a value for every attribute contained in the wrapper response. Each attribute may be either atomic or compound. The value of atomic attributes can be of any of the basic data types available in ITPilot: int, long, float, double, text, date, Boolean or blob. The value of a compound attribute can be a register or an array of registers. In the same form, each register will be composed of several fields and, again, these fields may be either atomic or compound.

Page type in ITPilot is represented as a register that contains the URL, the method, the parameters and the cookies of the page.

For example, a wrapper that returns data on movies may have a schema in which each result is comprised of the fields TITLE, DIRECTOR and EDITIONS. TITLE and DIRECTOR are atomic fields and EDITIONS is a compound field containing data on various editions available of the movie (DVD, VHS, director’s cut, etc.). The value of EDITIONS is an array of registers, where each register contains the fields FORMAT, PRICE and DESCRIPTION, all of which are atomic.

The invocation to getSchema() returns an instance of the class HTMLWrapperMetaRegisterRawVO, which represents the schema of a “hierarchical” register of the type described above. See the Javadoc documentation for a detailed description of the methods provided by HTMLWrapperMetaRegisterRawVO.

It is also possible to access the characteristics of the various atomic fields that comprise the schema. Information about these atomic fields is represented as instances of the class HTMLWrapperMetaSimpleRawVO. Specifically, the following information can be obtained from an atomic field: its type, by using the method java.lang.Class getType(), whether the value is obtained from the source or not (that is, to know if it is a searchable field that cannot be found in the output schema, using the method boolean isSearchStatus()) and, in that case, whether it is mandatory or not (method boolean isMandatoryStatus()). Furthermore, if they have been defined during the generation process, it is also possible to obtain the regular expression (method java.lang.String getRegexp()) and the aliases defined for each field (method java.util.List getTextValues()).

Finally, the method void setVerification(boolean value) allows setting via API whether a wrapper should be automatically verified or not by ITPilot automatic verification server.

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