Compound Types¶
Compound types and values in the custom functions are defined by the following Java classes:
. Class representing a register data type. It stores the type name and a set of name-type pairs where the name is a string and the type is either a java.lang.Class of some of the Java classes used for simple types, or a Denodo compound type (CustomRecordType or CustomArrayType).com.denodo.common.custom.elements.CustomRecordValue
. Class representing a register data value. It stores a set of name-value pairs where the name is a string and the value is either an instance of a simple type (java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer, etc.), or another compound value (CustomRecordValue or CustomArrayValue).com.denodo.common.custom.elements.CustomArrayType
. Class representing an array data type. It stores the type name and an instance of CustomRecordType, that defines the type of the elements of the
. Class representing an array value. It stores a list of CustomRecordValue
. Helper class with methods to instantiate compound types and values, if needed.