Format Tags

As mentioned earlier, a format tag is defined by a regular expression. Each format tag has an associated name. The format tag definitions are of the form:


Where NAME is the name of the tag and Expression is the regular expression.

Example: The definition of the tag EOL (END-OF-LINE), as a regular expression that includes all the possible ways of representing a carriage return or line end in HTML, could be: EOL:= (“<br”[^\>]*”>” | “</p”[^\>]*”>”| “</tr”[^\>]*”>”).

ITPilot provides by default a set of format tags that cover all the HTML tags, for correct extraction of information from HTML documents. The set of all available tags can be checked in the Scanners and Tagsets tool of the ITPilot Wrapper Generation Tool.

At the same time the format tags are detected, some of them define parameters (or identifiers) to which certain values can be assigned, and that will be passed to the user applications along with the tag types. These parameters can be used later in the DEXTL extraction patterns.

The value assigned to a parameter can be:

  • A constant. Example: ANCHOR(URL=””)

  • A variable of the context. Example: ANCHOR(URL=@VARIABLE). In this case, the value assigned to the parameter will be the value of the VARIABLE variable in the current context at the time the tag is obtained from the page.

  • An HTML attribute. This is the most common case. Example: ANCHOR(URL=href). It will take the value assigned to the indicated HTML attribute (in this case href). Starting with version 4.6 of ITPilot, all the HTML attributes of the tags are implicitly declared, and there is no need for explicitly declaring them; when inspecting the definition of a tag, take into account that all the attributes of the HTML tag are available to use in the DEXTL pattern. The names of the attributes are not case sensitive, to account for case differences between browsers.

In the cases of the name of the identifier being a reserved word, this appears prefixed with the “$” symbol.

Example: The definition of an ANCHOR format tag that matches the tag ‘<A …>’ of the HTML language can be the following, obtaining the value of the attribute ‘href’ contained in said HTML tag by assigning it to an identifier called URL: ANCHOR(URL=href):=”<a” [^>]* ” >”.

In this way, when a portion of text is encountered in the document that matches the regular expression, in addition to identifying an occurrence of the ANCHOR format tag, the portion of the text found, assigned to the attribute href of the tag “<a” that caused the concordance, is assigned to the identifier URL. The regular expression used to specify “<a”-type tags is constructed in the following manner: it must begin with the character string “<a”. Any combination of different characters of ‘>’ may go after said string (this is what the portion ‘[^>]*’ means) and, finally, there is the character ‘>’, which closes the HTML tag. These regular expressions use the format of JFlex regular expressions.

As discussed previously, the value of the identifiers obtained in this way may be used in the patterns, for example, to assign the value obtained to one of the fields of the extracted tuples. The notation used for this is as follows: ‘NAMEFORMATTAG(:ATTRIB1=ID1,…, :ATTRIBN=IDN)’, where ATTRIB1,…, ATTRIBN are names of attributes in the relation from which tuples are being extracted and ID1,…,IDN are identifiers present in the format tag definition, or in the HTML tags. We say that the attributes like ATTRIB1, ATTRIB2…ATTRIBN are linked to the tag ‘NAMEFORMATTAG’.

Example: Consider an electronic bookshop represented by the relation R={TITLE,AUTHOR, PRICE, LINKTOMOREINFO}, where the field LINKTOMOREINFO contains a URL which provides direct access to the shop’s HTML page in which detailed data on the product is found. If the graphic appearance of the output is similar to that shown in Results returned in an online bookshop and we assume that the ANCHOR tag is defined in the same way as in the previous example, in addition to the BR tag, defined in the usual way, we can write the following pattern to extract the tuples from R.

Pattern that Extracts Data from a Format Tag
"Our Price:" ¿:PRICE "," IRRELEVANT? BR

Another important note in respect of these identifiers is that a tag that has them defined will match a specific portion of text in the document analyzed only if the portions referring to said identifiers also appear.

To indicate that the tag to match regardless of whether or not the portion that matches the identifier appears in the document, this should be signaled using the symbols “¿” and “?” (or “/?” and “?/”). For example, if a tag ANCHOR(:REFMOREINFO=URL) is defined in the pattern specification and DEXTL receives from the document a tag ANCHOR() with no value for URL, it will not match. However, if it had been put in the specification ANCHOR(¿:REFMOREINFO=URL?) or ANCHOR(/?:REFMOREINFO=URL?/), it would have.

Thus, in summary:

  • If the tag <a…> does not have a href attribute, then the scanner returns an ANCHOR token without URL.

  • If the tag <a…> has a href attribute, the scanner returns an ANCHOR token with URL=value_href

  • Now, if the specification contains ANCHOR(:REFMOREINFO=URL)

    • If an ANCHOR() token is received by the DEXTL interpreter, then the pattern will not match.

    • If an ANCHOR(URL=value_href) token is received by the DEXTL interpreter, then the pattern will match and the tag :REFMOREINFO will be assigned the value_href.

  • If the specification contains ANCHOR(¿:REFMOREINFO=URL?) or ANCHOR(/?:REFMOREINFO=URL?/)

    • If an ANCHOR() token without URL is received by the DEXTL interpreter, then the pattern matches, but no value is assigned to REFMOREINFO (the attribute is not even created).

    • If an ANCHOR(URL=value_href) token is received, then the pattern matches and :REFMOREINFO is assigned the value_href.

  • If the DEXTL specification contains ANCHOR() (or ANCHOR, they are the same)

    • If an ANCHOR() token is received by the DEXTL interpreter, it matches.

    • If an ANCHOR(URL=value_href) token is received by the DEXTL interpreter, then the pattern matches and no variables are assigned.

Finally, when the tags are defined, the value “true” can be assigned to a tag attribute depending on whether an attribute is present in the HTML tag to which the tag refers (regardless of the value or even if it has no assigned value).

For example, if a tag is defined for the tag OPTION, we may want to know if it is the selected one or not (i.e. if the SELECTED attribute is present or not):

OPTION(VALUE=value,SELECTED=¿selected?):=”<option” [^>]* “>”

The attribute “VALUE” of the tag is assigned the value of the attribute “value” from the HTML tag OPTION. If the “selected” attribute is present in the HTML tag, then the value “true” is assigned to the “SELECTED” attribute of the tag (otherwise a value is not assigned).


Format tags are grouped into tagsets. A tagset is a list of format tag definitions grouped under a common name. Tagsets are created graphically from the Scanners and Tagsets tool of the ITPilot Wrapper Generation tool and internally have the following syntax:


Where NAMESET is the name of the tagset, NAMETAG1, …, NAMETAGn are names of format tags and Expr1,…,Exprn are expressions of format tag definitions.

To facilitate its reuse the tagsets are saved in separate files that can be included later for the specifications that wish to use them. Existing tagsets can be checked in the Scanners and Tagsets tool, and also are found in the directory <DENODO_HOME>/metadata/parsers/wgt/tagsets. Each file corresponds to the definition of a tagset.

By default, ITPilot includes the following built-in tagsets:

  • All4_6. Used by default by the process which generates DEXTL programs using examples. It defines a tag for every HTML tag.

  • All4_6_xx. A set of pre-generated tagsets that represents the most commonly used tagsets. They define a tag for every HTML tag except for those that appear in their name. For example, all4_6_anchor recognizes all the HTML tags except the anchor tag <a>.

Due to backwards compatibility reasons all the tagsets of earlier versions of ITPilot are included.

For a new tagset defined by the user to be available in DEXTL programs, a “scanner” must first be generated for said tagset. The graphical creation process is described in detail in the ITPilot Generation Environment Guide.

Finally, it is very important to highlight that various tagsets can be used in the same specification for the different relations and subrelations involved in the specification.

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