Extraction Functions

  • GETPDFFIELDS: it extracts input fields from PDF forms. It has two signatures:

    • GETPDFFIELDS(string inputFile): it returns an array of registers. Each register will include two fields (NAME and VALUE) with the name and value of each input field of the PDF form included in the input file.

    • GETPDFFIELDS(string inputFile, string ... outputFields): it returns a single register including only the form input fields specified in the input parameter ‘outputFields’. The field names of the output register will be the PDF form field names and the field values will be the PDF form field values.

  • XPATH: It returns a character string containing the outer HTML of the node identified by the XPath expression (string-type) received as first argument on the Page-type object received as second argument If the XPath expression returns more than one element, the first one will be selected. This function can only be used with Page objects obtained via Denodo Browser or Browser pool sequence types.

    The syntax of the XPath expressions supported by this function is a subset of the XPath 1.0 specification ( The supported features are the same as the ones explained for the NSEQL command FindElementByXPath in the NSEQL Manual. The Sequences Generator Toolbar includes a graphical utility to generate XPath expressions to identify elements on HTML pages.

  • XPATHLIST: It returns a list of records (with one field named ‘Content’) containing the outer HTML of the nodes identified by the XPath expression (string-type) received as first argument, on the Page-type object received as second argument. This function can only be used with Page objects obtained via Denodo Browser or Browser pool sequence types.

  • GETPDFFIELDS(string inputFile): it returns an array of registers. Each register will include two fields (NAME and VALUE) with the name and value of each input field of the PDF form included in the input file.

  • GETPDFFIELDS(string inputFile, string ... outputFields): it returns a single register including only the form input fields specified in the input parameter ‘outputFields’. The field names of the output register will be the PDF form field names and the field values will be the PDF form field values.

  • XPATH: It returns a character string containing the outer HTML of the node identified by the XPath expression (string-type) received as first argument on the Page-type object received as second argument If the XPath expression returns more than one element, the first one will be selected. This function can only be used with Page objects obtained via Denodo Browser or Browser pool sequence types.

    The syntax of the XPath expressions supported by this function is a subset of the XPath 1.0 specification ( The supported features are the same as the ones explained for the NSEQL command FindElementByXPath in the NSEQL Manual.

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