JDBC Extractor¶
This component sends a query to any data source available through the JDBC protocol and returns a list of records containing the retrieved results.
Input Parameters
The JDBCExtractor component accepts zero or more records and zero or more values as input arguments. These elements are used to assign variables to the component configuration parameters.
Output Values
A record list, where the record structure is defined by the query performed on the database.
In many cases, the web applications from which we are retrieving data require input parameters that are stored in other repositories. For example, the employee identifications of a financial institution, which are going to be used by the institution itself to access to their intranet and perform a service quality control of its internal applications. With ITPilot, performing this action is simplified by using the JDBCExtractor component. Access to Information from a Relational Database shows part of the example process. First, the component executes a query to a relational database, from which an employee list is obtained. Then, an Iterator is used so that the internal web application is accessed, one employee id at a time, to extract the data which allow the required validation process to work.

Access to Information from a Relational Database¶
In the component wizard, we will find three configuration tabs:
The first one is used to configure the connection to the JDBC repository:
Database Adapter: Used to select from a list of predefined database adapters. When a database adapter is selected, the driver class and the database URI are automatically filled.
Driver Class: The driver class to use for connecting to the data source (it can use variables that are obtained from the input values and records).
Driver Properties: these are important to access databases with specific characteristics; adding driver properties is optional, and the available properties are dependent on the specific driver that is used (consult the documentation of your specific driver for more details). If not specified, the default configuration is used.
Database URI: The database connection URL (it may use variables that are obtained from the inputs of the component).
Login: User name (it may use variables that are obtained from the component inputs).
Password: The user keyword (it may use variables that are obtained from the component input values and records). The password’s value will be stored encrypted in the wrapper’s xml file.
The second tab of the component is used to configure the connection pool that manages the access to the repository:
Use Pool: in this check box it can be decided whether a connection pool will be used or not.
Initial Size: Number of connections for pool initialization. These connections are established in “idle” state, ready to be used. By default, its value is 4.
Maximum Size: Maximum number of connections that the pool may manage at the same time.
Ping Query: SQL query used by the pool to verify the status of the connections to be cached. It is required that the query is simple and that the table already exists. The default value is ”SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SYS.DUAL”.
The third tab is used to execute a SQL query that allows ITPilot to determine the output record structure (the query may use variables from the input records and values of the component). Obtaining an output record structure in the JDBCExtractor component shows how the “internet_inc” table is accessed in the example to obtain the “iinc_id” field as an incident’s unique identifier. Thus, the JDBCExtractor will return a list of records containing a unique field “IINC_ID”.

Obtaining an output record structure in the JDBCExtractor component¶
When the SQL statement to execute is of type INSERT or UPDATE, the JDBC Extractor component returns a record with a single simple integer field which contains the number of rows that have been inserted or updated. In the case of CREATE, DROP, ALTER and TRUNCATE statements it returns a record with a single integer field which contains the number of elements affected.
The JDBC Extractor component does not support the insertion of binary data.
The first time you use a JDBC extractor to connect to a database, you need to copy the jar file of the JDBC driver of the database to <DENODO_HOME>/extensions/thirdparty/lib
. Then, restart the tool.