This component saves in a file the value of the input parameter.
Input Parameters
Save File accepts the following input parameters:
“File name”: string-type value with the name of the file where the content is going to be stored. This parameter is optional; if not provided, the file will be given a random name.
“Directory”: string-type value with the name of the folder where the content is going to be stored. This parameter is optional; if not provided, the file will be saved in the default download folder. The default download folder is the folder configured as the ‘Temp directory’, which can be configured from the preferences dialog of the Wrapper Generation Tool (see Generation Tool Global Preferences) or the Web Administration Tool, for the generation and execution environments respectively.
“Contents”: string- or binary-type content to be stored.
“Input Page”: a page-type value, whose HTML source code will be stored. If this page contains frames, they will also be stored.
The “Contents” and “Input page” inputs are mutually exclusive: only one of them can be used at the same time.
Output Values
The full path name of the file where the component’s input has been saved.
This example uses the Save File component to store in a text file a group of records obtained by an Extractor.
Input parameters of the Save File component shows the input parameters of the Save File Component and Example of Save File component operation shows the basic structure of the example wrapper:
Configure an Extractor component and use an Iterator to go through all the obtained records.
Create an Expression named RECORD_CONCAT_EXPR_1 with output name RECORD_LIST_CONCAT and an empty string as its value.
For each iteration, an expression, whose output name is RECORD_LIST_CONCAT, concatenates all the fields of the current record with the content of the RECORD_LIST_CONCAT variable.
After iterating through all the record, the Save File component is used to save the content of the RECORD_LIST_CONCAT variable that will contain the fields’ value of all the records obtained by the Extractor (see Extractor)

Input parameters of the Save File component¶

Example of Save File component operation¶
Save File component Wizard with folder and file name specified and Save File component Wizard with no folder and no file name specified show the wizard of the component. The top controls allow configuring the maximum number of retries in case of error, and the number of milliseconds between retries; the availability of the other controls of the wizard depends on what inputs are selected in the component: if a file name is specified, both the “Autogenerate file extension using MIME-type” and “Do not overwrite” options will be enabled. Both options will be disabled if no file name is provided, as it will be generated automatically.

Save File component Wizard with folder and file name specified¶

Save File component Wizard with no folder and no file name specified¶
If the option “Do not overwrite” is not selected, the output file will be overwritten if already exists when the component is executed. If the option is selected and the file exists, the appropriate error handler will be executed, as configured in the Save File Details Tab for the error “File name exists”.
When the component’s input is of page type (“Input page”) and this page has frames, the content of these frames will be stored in a directory created in the same path as the file of the main page, each frame will be stored in a separate file and its name will be randomly generated.
If the component is configured to retry in case of error, the number of retries and time between retries can be also specified in the wizard.