The Cancel Navigation Button

Denodo ITPilot allows extracting data not only from HTML pages but also from resources in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Adobe PDF format. To do so, as mentioned above, it can be indicated that the initial browsing URL references a Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel or PDF resource.

If the resource is accessed via an action which performs a navigation, the Cancel Navigation image0 button must be used before performing the action to navigate, to inform ITPilot what transformation will be required. After pressing this button and selecting the appropriate option (PDF, Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word) as shown in Selection of the transformation type in the Cancel Navigation command, the user should generate the action on the desired element (e.g. a click on a link, a click on a button, etc.). ITPilot will convert the target resource to HTML by using Word-to-HTML Excel-to-HTML or PDF-to-HTML conversion tools, so that the results can be then processed by the Wrapper Generation Tool. There also exists an option in this menu to download the resource instead of converting it.

Selection of the transformation type in the Cancel Navigation command

Selection of the transformation type in the Cancel Navigation command

The selectable values of the CancelNavigation image0 button are the following:

  1. Microsoft Word: use of the Microsoft Word-to-HTML converter. Currently, ITPilot provides one conversion tool that uses the Open Office conversion capabilities.

  2. Microsoft Excel: use of the Microsoft Excel-to-HTML converter. Currently, ITPilot provides one conversion tool that uses the Open Office conversion capabilities.

  3. PDF: use of the PDF-to-HTML converter. Currently, ITPilot provides four converters:

    1. Acrobat HTML: uses the HTML converter of the Adobe Acrobat Professional software (this product must be installed).

    2. Acrobat Text: uses the plain text converter of the Adobe Acrobat Professional software, from which ITPilot generates an HTML file (this product must be installed).

    3. PDFBox 0.7.3 and PDFBox 1.X: uses the PDFBox library (Apache PDFBox - A Java PDF Library) to generate the HTML file. Version 1.X of PDFBox is available since ITPilot 4.7; version 0.7.3 was included in previous releases of ITPilot and is still available.

  1. Save File: downloads the resource to the local file system. A dialog will prompt for a file name and a destination folder.

If the action needed to access the resource is a click, then the “Click as …” right-click drop down menu option can be used instead the Cancel Navigation button (see section Description of the Navigation Sequences Generator Interface).

In order for the PDF-to-HTML conversion using Acrobat to work, the PDF converter server of the generation environment must be running. This server is launched by the Wrapper Generation Tool when it starts.

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