Wrapper Execution

To test a wrapper click on the “Test Wrapper” button in the button area. A window like the one shown in Wrapper testing tool will be displayed. This test tool consists of three tabs. The first one, “Input Values”, enables users to enter values for each of the wrapper input parameters (as defined in the initialization component in section Process Initialization). Note that a password text field is used for the PASSWORD because we had checked the “Hidden” check box in the initialization component. Even though it will not be necessary in our example, the test tool allows defining values for parameters of record, list and page types. In any of these cases, the image0 button will appear next to the input parameter’s value. By clicking on it, an editor where values for the parameter’s sub-fields can be entered will appear (see Editing a page-type input parameter in the Wrapper testing tool). Sub-fields can also be marked as NULL by selecting the check box which is associated with each one. Note that in the case of a page-type parameter, the list of sub-fields will always be the same:

  • CONNECTIONTYPE (Integer): 0 for default browser, 1 for MSIE browser, 3 for Denodo browser.

  • URL (String): any valid URL, according to the connection type specified in the first parameter.

  • METHOD (String): either GET or POST.

  • PARAMETERS (String): a list of semicolon -separated PARAMETER=VALUE elements.

  • COOKIES (String): a list of semicolon-separated NAME=VALUE elements.

The value for a record, list or page can also be manually typed in the input parameter’s value box. The syntax is as follows:

  • RECORD/PAGE: ROW(’<value>’[,’<value>’]*).

  • LIST: [ {} | {<record>[,<record>]*} ].

Editing a page-type input parameter in the Wrapper testing tool

Editing a page-type input parameter in the Wrapper testing tool

Wrapper testing tool

Wrapper testing tool

The test tool also allows selecting the trace level of the wrapper to execute. You can choose from among FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG and TRACE (FATAL showing the most important messages, and TRACE showing all the messages). The use of the DEBUG level is recommended when testing the wrapper for the first time.

By clicking on the image3 button, the editor displays the “Results” tab and the wrapper begins execution. The Wrapper Generation Tool will launch the browser/s, required to execute the wrapper according to the configuration of the tool and the Sequence components used in the wrapper. As the wrapper returns results, they are shown in a table in the “Results” tab. During the execution, the button is transformed to image4, thus allowing the running to be stopped at any moment.

If some error occurs during execution you can examine the messages shown in the “Execution Trace” tab to find more information about the error. The “Limit Results” option in this tab allows limiting the number of rows that are shown in the table, and the “Export” button can be used to save the information contained in the table to a file. Also, when an error occurs, an error code is returned, from the following:

  • ANY_ERROR = 1: Unknown error.

  • STOP_ERROR = 2: If the wrapper execution was stopped by any reason.

  • RUNTIME_ERROR = 3: A runtime error, for example, a division by zero in an Expression component.

  • STORE_ERROR = 4: When an exception is found in a save file operation.

  • CONNECTION_ERROR = 5: When a network connection cannot be established.

  • SEQUENCE_ERROR = 6: An error in the execution of a Sequence component.

  • HTTP_ERROR = 7: An HTTP error in the execution of a Sequence component.

  • TIMEOUT_ERROR = 8: A timeout error.

  • INVALID_RECORD_ERROR = 9: An invalid record error, for example, when a component receives as input a record which has a structure different from the expected one.

  • INVALID_SCRIPT_ERROR = 10: The JavaScript code that should be interpreted by the wrapper is not correct.

  • INVALID_QUERY_ERROR = 11: The query received by the wrapper is not correct (invalid parameters).

  • FILENAME_EXISTS_ERROR = 13: Error saving a file with the Save File component if the file already exists and the component has been configured to not overwrite the file.


Currently, the error code “12” is not used.

Results returned by the wrapper shows the results obtained by executing the wrapper created for our example.

Results returned by the wrapper

Results returned by the wrapper

Before continuing, save the process (File->Save) to avoid the loss of valuable information and to be able to modify or add functions in the future.

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