Exporting Wrappers

To export the data select the “File” menu and then the option “Export … “. The export dialog will appear, showing the following options:

  • Export a single wrapper: select the Single Process radio button, and then use the two combo boxes to select both the wrapper and the project that contains it.

  • Export a whole project (with all the contained wrappers): select the Single Project radio button, and then use the combo box to select the project that is going to be exported.

  • Export all the projects (with all the wrappers of the environment): select the All radio button.

It is possible to select what additional data to export along with the selected wrappers:

  • Include scanners and tagsets: by checking this option, all the tagsets and scanners used by any of the exported wrappers will be included.

  • Include extensions: by checking this option, all the extensions that contain functions used by any of the exported wrappers will be included.

  • Include custom components: by checking this option, the custom components used by any of the exported wrappers will be included.

  • Include configuration: by checking this option, the configuration of the Wrapper Generation Tool will be exported, so it is updated when importing the data. Note that the configured paths (for example, for OpenOffice or Adobe Acrobat Professional) will only be overwritten after approval.


When exporting all the data of the ITPilot Wrapper Generation Tool, the Include scanners, Include extensions and Include custom components options will export all the items present in the environment, instead of just the items used by all the exported wrappers (i.e., unused elements will be also exported).

After configuring the exportation options, click Ok. A file chooser will appear where you can select a path for the exported data. After clicking Save the ITPilot Wrapper Generation Tool will generate a WGT file which includes all the exported data.

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