Importing Wrappers

To import a previously exported set of wrappers select the “File” menu and then the option “Import … “. The “Data import” dialog will appear. On this dialog click Browse, use the file chooser to select the WGT file to be imported and click on the Open button. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the WGT file into the workspace area. The “Data import” dialog will show a tree with the contents of the file. Use the check boxes to select the individual contents to import (Data import dialog). Click Ok and the selected data will automatically be imported into the generation environment. If any of the contents being imported already exists in the generation environment, an overwrite alert will prompt for a replacement confirmation.

If the option “config” is available when importing the file and it is checked, then the configuration of the Wrapper Generation Tool will be imported. All the configuration parameters will be automatically overwritten except the file paths: confirmation dialogs will be shown asking for permission to override the existing paths. If confirmation is given, the new paths will only be set in case the specified files exist in the file system.

Data import dialog

Data import dialog

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