Example Web mail source: Authentication shows the authentication page of a web application distributed with the Denodo Platform which we will use for our test examples. Said Web page simulates the behavior of a classical Web mail system. To access the example application, follow these steps:
Execute the webmailsample_startup.bat script in the DENODO_HOME/samples/itpilot/webmail path. The script starts the application in the web container embedded in the Denodo Platform.
Access the application in the samples/itpilot/webmail path of the web container embedded in the Denodo Platform. If the container runs in the local host and the default port is used, then the URL will be http://localhost:9090/samples/itpilot/webmail.
The figure below shows the page of said service that displays the messages of the user demos.

Example Web mail source: Authentication¶

Example Web mail source: Message list¶
NSEQL program for accessing the Web mail system shows an NSEQL program which automatically connects to the service, authenticates by entering a user login and password and, once the inbox folder content has been accessed, it sorts the messages by date by clicking on the link “Date”.
To fully understand the example it is a good idea to consult the command reference in section List of NSEQL Commands. In any case, the explanations provided below will be sufficient for an intuitive understanding of how NSEQL programs are generated.
FindElementByXPath(//INPUT[\@name = 'imapuser']);
FindElementByXPath(//INPUT[\@name = 'pass']);
FindElementByXPath(//INPUT[\@name = 'loginButton']);
The Navigate command ensures the browser browses to the specified URL. The WaitPages(1) command can be used to force the system to wait for the page to be downloaded before continuing (with certain redirection types, it may be necessary to wait until more than one page has been downloaded). The same effect is possible using Navigate(http://mail.demos.denodo.com,1) as an initial command, since the second parameter of the Navigate command also allows for a number of pages to wait for downloading before continuing to be specified. Furthermore, the ExtendedWaitPages(-1) command can be used so that the system itself infers the number of pages to wait for before continuing to browse.
The FindElementByXPath command selects the login text field of the login form shown in Example Web mail source: Authentication (an element of type ‘INPUT’ which has an attribute name with value imapuser). After that, the SetValue command completes the login text field with the value demos and the FireEventOnSelectedElement command fires the specified set of events in order to execute the JavaScript handlers associated with those events. The last parameter of this command indicates to the system that it must wait until all those handlers finish their execution.
The following three commands (FindElementByXPath, SetValue, and FireEventOnSelectedElement) perform the same actions described in the previous paragraph to complete the password text field with the value DeMo.04.
With the following command, FindElementByXPath, the INPUT element with name loginButton is selected and the FireEventOnSelectedElement command fires the events to simulate a click over the button. In practice, this produces a form submit. The following ExtendedWaitPages command, again, makes the browser wait for the page to download before continuing.
Finally, the FindElementByXPath selects the first link of the page which associated text match the regular expression specified as the second parameter of the XPath function matches. In this case, the system will find the first link with a text that matches “Date” ignoring spaces. The next command, FireEventOnSelectedElement, fires the events corresponding to a click on the selected link, causing the messages to be sorted by date (see Example Web mail source: Message list). Finally, the ExtendedWaitPages command, again, makes the browser wait for the page to download.
Our example is made a little more complicated below. Imagine that during the login process we want to select the language “English (American)”. Let us also imagine that after that, we want to access the following result page, by clicking on the next page image (a pointed arrow facing rightwards) besides the page number at the right of the page. The new program is shown in NSEQL program for accessing the Web mail system (modified). The new commands have been marked in red.
The first highlighted command selects the first select which has an attribute name with value new_lang. The SelectOptionByText command selects the option which text matches with “English (American)” in the select element selected by the previous command. After that, the command FireEventOnSelectedElement fires an onChange event over the select.
With the FindElementByXPath of the last two highlighted commands, the system searches a form with name pagenav1 and then selects, from the form descendents, the first image with attribute src that matches the value http://localhost:9090/samples/itpilot/webmail/mailbox.php_files/right.png. Then, the FireEventOnSelectedElement fires the events to do a click over the image.
FindElementByXPath(//INPUT[\@name = 'imapuser']);
FindElementByXPath(//INPUT[\@name = 'pass']);
FindElementByXPath(//SELECT[\@name = 'new_lang']);
FindElementByXPath(//INPUT[\@name = 'loginButton']);
FindElementByXPath(//FORM[\@name = 'pagenav1']//IMG[\@src =