Distribution of Environments¶
Distribution of the Generation Environment¶
As mentioned in the preceding section, the Generation Environment allows wrappers to be created in a visual and simple way. This environment requires the installation of two components: the Wrapper Generator tool and the Sequences Generator tool. The Wrapper Server of the execution environment may also be accessible (this is optional: users also have the option of storing the wrapper in a local file that can be manually added to the Wrapper Server). Distribution of the Generation Environment shows the relationship between the elements.

Distribution of the Generation Environment¶
The Wrapper Server belongs to the execution environment, whereby it is normally installed in a separate machine in the production environment.
This manual does not aim to explain how to install, operate and handle the tools in this environment. For more information please refer to the ITPilot Generation Environment Guide for instructions on installation and operation and ITPilot DEXTL Guide and ITPilot NSEQL Guide for detailed information on specification and sequence definition languages.
Distribution of the Execution Environment¶
Denodo ITPilot operates in the execution environment, where actions are executed on wrappers that encapsulate the Web sources from which data are to be extracted. Three components are required in this case: the Web administration tool (independent of the environment, but used here), the Wrapper Server and the Browser Pool. Distribution of the Execution Environment describes the relationship between these elements.

Distribution of the Execution Environment¶
As the Wrapper Server can be used in different environments and due to its possible workload, it is recommended that it be installed in a machine that is independent of the rest of the system. The Browser Pool can be found either in the same machine as the Wrapper Server or in a separate machine; in general, this depends on the maximum number of browsers that can be open during system execution.
Distribution of the Verification Environment¶
This environment should be executed together with the execution environment and allows ITPilot to monitor changes in sources from which data are extracted (see section Verification Environment). The Verification Server can be executed in the same machine as the Wrapper Server, although it is a distributed component, whereby we recommend that it be installed in another machine.
The ITPilot Verification Server has been deprecated and may be removed in the next version of the Denodo Platform.
Relationship Between Execution and Verification Environments shows the relationship between this environment and the execution environment.

Relationship Between Execution and Verification Environments¶
The basic process of the Verification Server is the following: when executing a query against a wrapper, it is sent along with the produced results to the verification module. When this module receives the query and associated results, they will be stored in a relational database and, at the same time, the necessary tests will be executed in order to determine whether that wrapper has changed or not.
Each test (configurable by the user, see section Configuring the Verification Server) is executed by handing that query plus its results as parameters. Each test returns a result between 0 and 100 (where 0 means that the condition is not accomplished at all and 100 that is absolutely successful) which is stored in a result manager.
Next, an evaluating process is launched which determines if the wrapper has changed in terms of the results of the tests. This evaluator needs both the results from the last tests, and the evaluation rules.
When the query results are saved in the database, an expiry time is assigned to each of them. The expired results are deleted on a period basis.
The next section describes the installation steps for each of the components.