Monitoring the Wrappers Under Verification

The verification graphical tool lets users monitor the execution of the wrappers that have been loaded into the Wrapper Server. This can be achieved by using the following tabs:

  • Tests: this tab displays information about the tests that have been executed, and their results. The information available is the following:

Tests Tab

Tests Tab

  • Wrapper: database and wrapper name

  • Test: name of the test that has been executed

  • Date: execution date

  • Score: test result. This score indicates the percentage of agreement of the results with the test’s criterion, where 0 means complete agreement and 100 a complete disagreement.

  • Passed: it reports whether the test was successful or not (if so, it does not participate in the rule activation).

  • Message: provides additional information about the execution.

  • Queries: this tab displays information about the queries that have been executed against the wrappers.

Queries Tab

Queries Tab

  • Wrapper: database, wrapper and, optionally, Extractor component name.

  • Query: query that has been executed against the Wrapper Server.

  • Date: execution date.

  • Results: number of returned results

  • Pages: if related to an Extractor component, number of pages used in execution; if related to a wrapper, the value is always 1.

  • Database: this tab displays all information stored in the verification database. It is divided in two additional tabs, which are shown with the symbol image1.

Database Tab

Database Tab

  • Tab 1: information about the wrappers that are stored in the verification database.

    • Wrapper: database and wrapper name

    • Extractors: name of the wrapper’s Extractor components

    • Valid Data: number of queries and results not outdated stored in the verification database for that wrapper.

    • Outdated Data: number of queries and results outdated stored in the verification database for that wrapper.

    • Tests: number of tests stored in the verification database for that wrapper.

  • Tab 2: information about the wrapper that is selected in the selection box.

Information about the selected wrapper

Information about the selected wrapper

  • Wrapper: database, wrapper and Extractor component name

  • Query: query used for executing the wrapper

  • Date: execution date

  • Row: number of results for this query execution

  • Status: status of the execution (correct, incorrect, …)

  • ID: execution identifier

  • View: button to access detailed information. It will open a new tab showing internal information about this identifier.

  • Graphs: this tab shows different graphs from the wrappers and the tests that have been executed in a specific timeframe. The choice of which wrappers and tests are to be supervised must be done before the wrapper starts being executed.

Graphs Tab

Graphs Tab

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