Server Configuration (Wrapper Server)

This section allows the user to manage several server-wide configuration parameters:

  • Application Port: port through which the Wrapper Server listens and waits for requests.

  • Shutdown Port: port through which the server listens and waits for the Shutdown signal.

  • Auxiliary Port: used for communications between the Browser Pool and the Wrapper Server.

  • Browser pool, Browser pool host and Browser pool port: the Wrapper Server requests browser instances to the Browser Pool Server when a wrapper that performs web browsing is executed. The administration tool allows configuring what Browser Pool Server is going to receive the Wrapper Server requests, by using the selector “Browser” (see Wrapper Server configuration). This selector displays all the Browser Pool Servers known to the web administration tool plus the options “none” and “custom”. Choose “none” in the selector if no browser pool will be used and “custom” to enter custom host and port values.

  • Temp directory: allows specifying a directory to store temporal data like the HTML documents generated by PDF or Word/Excel converters. Also, the Save File component saves files to this directory if no particular directory is specified in the component configuration.

Wrapper Server configuration

Wrapper Server configuration

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