Server Configuration (Verification Server)¶
In this section, the port numbers used by the Verification Server can be configured. It also allows the user to specify the Wrapper Server whose wrappers will be verified.
Wrapper Server, Wrapper Server host and Wrapper Server port: the Verification Server needs to access the Wrapper Server, where the wrappers in execution are stored, so that it can detect changes automatically. In the “Wrapper Server” drop-down list, the user can select the required Wrapper Server from among the ones known to the web administration tool (see section Adding, Editing and Deleting Servers for instructions on how to add new servers to the web administration tool). The user may also choose “none” in the drop-down list to enter custom host and port values.
User and Password: the user and password used by the Verification Server to authenticate in the Wrapper Server.
Application Port: port used by the Verification Server to communicate with the Wrapper Server.
Shutdown Port: port used by the server to wait for the Shutdown signal in order to finish its execution if received.
Auxiliary Port: communication port between the Verification Server and its clients.
Setting the Verification Server ports and selecting the Wrapper Server shows these configurable parameters in the Server Configuration section.

Setting the Verification Server ports and selecting the Wrapper Server¶
The ITPilot Verification Server has been deprecated and may be removed in the next version of the Denodo Platform.