Configuring Custom Appenders

If the user wants more control over the logging of wrapper execution trace events, he can define his own custom appender for the trace log categories. He may use a regular log4j org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender, but this suffers from a limitation: execution trace messages produced by wrappers will all be sent to the same file, even as the value of the ITPCore.LOGGING_MODE parameter is 1 o 2.

Another possibility consists in using a com.denodo.itp.component.core.event.RollingFileWrapperAppender. This class inherits the properties of a FileAppender but adds some extra functionality.

RollingFileWrapperAppender lets the user specify a directory path or a pattern as the value of the File parameter.

  • If a directory path is given, it will be used to store the log files, and the name of the log files themselves will be generated as if using the default appender (see section Appenders).

  • If a pattern is given, then “%w” in the pattern will be substituted by the file name (without extension) which the default appender would use. For example, if File value is “/tmp/Wrapper_%w.rst”, ITPCore.LOGGING_MODE=1 and the wrapper name is “Test”, the log file for this wrapper will be “/tmp/Wrapper_Test.rst”. Note that if the pattern does not contain “%w”, then the file name will be constant and the execution traces produced by wrappers will all be sent to the same file.

RollingFileWrapperAppender also gives the user precise control over the formatting of wrapper execution trace events. For this purpose, instead of the regular log4j “org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout”, a “com.denodo.itp.component.core.event.ScriptEventPatternLayout” should be used. This latter class inherits from PatternLayout and adds the new optional parameter MessagePattern, which allows to pre-format wrapper trace events before applying the ConversionPattern layout. The following syntax is used for MessagePattern:

  • %c represents the component name.

  • %m represents the message of the trace event.

  • %t represents the exception associated to event (if any).

  • %e represents the error code associated to the event (if any).

If no MessagePattern is specified, or if a PatternLayout is used instead of a ScriptEventPatternLayout, the default format will be “%c - %m”. In any case, the result of applying the MessagePattern will be substituted for occurrences of “%m” in the ConversionPattern. (Note that occurrences of “%m” in the ConversionPattern do not mean the original trace message, as they do in the MessagePattern).

RollingFileWrapperAppender with ScriptEventPatternLayout
<appender name="WRAPPERSFILEOUT" class="com.denodo.itp.component.core.event.RollingFileWrapperAppender">
    <param name="File" value="c:/Temp/%w.log" />
    <param name= "Append" value= "true " />
    <param name= "MaxFileSize" value= "10MB " />
    <param name= "MaxBackupIndex" value= "7" />
    <param name= "encoding" value= "UTF-8" />
        <param name="ConversionPattern"
    value="%-4r [%t] %-5p %d{yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS} %c %x - %m  %n"/>
        <param name="MessagePattern" value="[%m] --[%c]"/>


<logger name="com.denodo.itpilot.logging.wrappers">
    <level value="info"/>
    <appender-ref ref="WRAPPERSFILEOUT" />

RollingFileWrapperAppender with ScriptEventPatternLayout shows an example of a custom RollingFileWrapperAppender which uses a ScriptEventPatternLayout with a non-default MessagePattern. After its definition, the appender is tied to a logger in the wrapper trace log category.

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