Custom Appenders and Logger Additivity¶
By default, each logging request for a given logger will be forwarded to all the appenders of that logger as well as the appenders of its ancestors, i.e. appenders are inherited “additively” in the logger hierarchy.
Therefore, if a custom appender is added to a logger in the “com.denodo.itpilot.logging.wrappers” or “com.denodo.itpilot.logging.wrappers.<wrapper_name>” categories, then the log messages sent to this appender will also be sent to the ancestor logger appenders (i.e. the execution trace log messages will also be logged in the Wrapper Server/Wrapper Generation Tool main log files).
It is possible to override the default behavior so that appender accumulation is no longer additive by setting the additivity parameter of a logger to false. If a logger has the additivity parameter set to false, then logging requests will not be sent to the appenders of any of the ancestors of that logger. In particular, this can be done with loggers in the “com.denodo.itpilot.logging.wrappers” or “com.denodo.itpilot.logging.wrappers.<wrapper_name>” categories.
There is an exception to this. Due to the internal implementation of RollingFileWrapperAppender, if appenders of this type are configured for loggers of the “com.denodo.itpilot.logging.wrappers” and “com.denodo.itpilot.logging.wrappers.<wrapper_name>” categories, then the messages sent to the appender of the “com.denodo.itpilot.logging.wrappers.<wrapper_name>” logger are never sent to the appender of the “com.denodo.itpilot.logging.wrappers” logger, independently of the value of the parameter additivity.
A series of examples will clarify this. In the examples, the referenced WRAPPERSFILEOUT and SPECIFICWRAPPERFILEOUT appenders are RollingFileWrapperAppenders. For the situation depicted in Additivity=”false” for the logger of a specific wrapper, the execution trace of the wrapper “testcustomerrors” will be logged in SPECIFICWRAPPERFILEOUT, and the execution trace of the rest of the wrappers in WRAPPERSFILEOUT and FILEOUT. For the one in Additivity=”false” for the logger of the general wrapper category, the execution trace of the wrapper “testcustomerrors” will be logged in SPECIFICWRAPPERFILEOUT, and the execution trace of the rest of the wrappers in WRAPPERSFILEOUT. And for the one in Loggers with default additivity., the execution trace of the wrapper “testcustomerrors” will be logged in SPECIFICWRAPPERFILEOUT and FILEOUT, and the execution trace of the rest of the wrappers in WRAPPERSFILEOUT and FILEOUT.
<logger name="com.denodo.itpilot.logging.wrappers">
<level value="debug"/>
<appender-ref ref="WRAPPERSFILEOUT" />
<logger name="com.denodo.itpilot.logging.wrappers.testcustomerrors"
<level value="debug"/>
<appender-ref ref="SPECIFICWRAPPERFILEOUT" />
<level value ="debug" />
<appender-ref ref="FILEOUT" />
<logger name="com.denodo.itpilot.logging.wrappers" additivity="false">
<level value="debug"/>
<appender-ref ref="WRAPPERSFILEOUT" />
<logger name="com.denodo.itpilot.logging.wrappers.testcustomerrors">
<level value="debug"/>
<appender-ref ref="SPECIFICWRAPPERFILEOUT" />
<level value ="debug" />
<appender-ref ref="FILEOUT" />
<logger name="com.denodo.itpilot.logging.wrappers">
<level value="debug"/>
<appender-ref ref="WRAPPERSFILEOUT" />
<logger name="com.denodo.itpilot.logging.wrappers.testcustomerrors">
<level value="debug"/>
<appender-ref ref="SPECIFICWRAPPERFILEOUT" />
<level value ="debug" />
<appender-ref ref="FILEOUT" />