Resource Manager: Modify the Priority of a Query Dynamically

You can jump to the next section if the Virtual DataPort server runs on Windows.

The Resource Manager of Virtual DataPort allows, among other things, to modify the priority of the queries executed. See more about feature in the section Resource Manager of the Administration Guide.

If you are planning to use modify the priority of the queries and the Virtual DataPort server runs on Linux, you have to do the following:

  1. Start the Virtual DataPort with the root user.

  2. And add this parameter to the “JVM options” of the Virtual DataPort server: -XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=1.

    The section Denodo Platform Configuration explains how to modify the JVM options of each module.

The reason for having to do this is that on Linux, only processes launched by the root user can change the priority of its threads dynamically. If these conditions are not met, the priorities of the queries will not change even if a restriction plan indicates so.

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