Dependencies Between Elements

Starting with Denodo 5.0, Denodo establishes a dependency between the custom maps you create and the views that use them. It also establishes a dependency between the jar files imported into the Server and the “Denodo stored procedures” and “Custom Wrappers” that use the Java classes provided by these jars.

If a user executes the statements DROP MAP 18N to delete a custom i18n map, DROP MAP SIMPLE to delete a simple map or DROP JAR to delete a jar and they have a dependency, the statement will fail. In this case, you can execute a DROP MAP I18N <name> CASCADE, DROP MAP SIMPLE <name> CASCADE or DROP JAR <name> CASCADE to delete the custom i18n map, the custom simple map or the jar file respectively. These statements delete the custom i18n map, the custom simple map or the jar file and the elements that depend on them.

The previous versions of Virtual DataPort do not establish dependencies between custom maps or jar files and the elements that use them. Therefore, in the previous versions, the statements DROP MAP I18N or DROP JAR never fail and they do not delete the elements that use the custom i18n map or the jar.

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