Features Removed in Virtual DataPort 7.0¶
This section lists the features that are no longer available in Denodo 7.0.
I18n Settings¶
I18n Settings of the Cache Engine¶
The property com.denodo.vdb.cache.i18nCode
has been removed. Even if it is present in the VDBConfiguration.properties file, its value is ignored. Instead, Denodo use the “Default i18n” of the Server (configured in the “Server configuration”) to read/write values from/to the cache that need an i18n.
Starting with Denodo 7.0, when you change the i18n of the Denodo server, Denodo invalidates the cache of the views that have one or more fields of type timestamptz and/or date (deprecated type).
We are referring to when you do it from the administration tool or when you execute this statement:
SET 'com.denodo.vdb.misc.I18nParametersManager.i18nDefault'='<new i18n map>';
Databases and Cache Do not Have I18N¶
The Denodo databases and cache no longer can have a different i18n setting. Now all of them have the same i18n setting.
VQL Syntax¶
Using single quotes to surround identifiers is no longer valid. Although deprecated in Denodo 5.0, prior versions still allow it.
For example, this query is no longer valid.
FROM 'admin'.'iinc_sqls'
WHERE 'iinc_sqls'.'summary' = 'Bandwidth increase';
When necessary, the identifiers have to be surrounded with double quotes. For example:
FROM "admin"."iinc_sqls"
WHERE "iinc_sqls"."summary" = 'Bandwidth increase';
JDBC Data Source Dialog: Choose Automatically¶
The check box Choose automatically of the JDBC and ODBC data sources has been removed.
ODBC Data Sources¶
The following ODBC adapters have been removed:
Microsoft Excel. Instead, create an Excel data source.
Microsoft SQL Server. Instead, create a JDBC data source with one of the adapters for SQL Server.
JDBC/ODBC Source Configuration Properties¶
The VDP server will no longer accept minevidectabletime
. We will continue supporting minevictabletime
, which is
the right way of spelling it.
The source configuration properties orderbycollation
and delegateorderbycollation
are no longer supported.
The server supported them so VQL files from versions prior to 6.0 could be imported without errors but in this version
the support for these properties will be removed.
XMLA Connectors for SAP¶
The XMLA adapters for SAP (i.e. “SAP BW 3.x (XMLA)” and “SAP BI 7.x (XMLA)”) have been removed. Use the adapter “SAP BI 7.x (BAPI)” instead.
Comparison of Strings: Case Sensitive¶
Starting with Denodo 5.0, the comparison of strings on Virtual DataPort is case-sensitive. In previous versions it was possible to go back to the previous behavior (case-insensitive comparisons). In Denodo 7.0 it is no longer possible.
Performing case-insensitive comparison has a significant computational cost when dealing with huge volumes of data.
Published Web Services: “with LDAP” Authentication¶
The following authentication methods of published web services have been removed:
For REST web services, “HTTP Basic with LDAP”.
For SOAP web services, “HTTP Basic with LDAP” and “WSS Basic with LDAP”.
We suggest moving to “HTTP Basic with VDP” or “WSS Basic with VDP” so the web services leverage the authentication layer of Denodo. See more about this in the section Web Services Authentication.
Export Script¶
The parameters legacyRepositoryLayout
and caseSensitive
of the export script have been removed.
Denodo JDBC Driver¶
Basic Version¶
The basic “flavor” of the JDBC driver has been removed. From now on, there is only one “flavor” of the driver: DENODO_HOME/tools/client-drivers/jdbc/denodo-vdp-jdbcdriver.jar
Internal Pool of Connections¶
The Denodo JDBC driver was capable of creating its own pool of
connections to Virtual DataPort. This feature has been removed. The implication is that the parameters
, initSize
, maxActive
and maxIdle
are no longer be valid.
Applications that need to create a pool of connections to Virtual DataPort should use their own library to do it.
Kerberos Constrained Delegation¶
The property requestCredDeleg
is no longer supported. Instead, use the property
to pass the impersonated credential to the driver.
Denodo ODBC Driver¶
The parameter com.denodo.vdb.vdbinterface.server.odbc.forceBinaryTypes
(described in the documentation of Denodo 6.0, section Increasing the Performance of the Denodo ODBC Driver) has been removed.
The speed improvement provided by this option was insignificant and after enabling it, ODBC clients only could use the Denodo ODBC driver.
The “exe” files of <DENODO_HOME>/bin have been removed (i.e. vqlserver_startup.exe, denodo_platform.exe, etc.). This prevents confusion among newer users that did not know if there is any difference between both (there is not). Use the equivalent .bat scripts (vqlserver_startup.bat, denodo_platform.bat, etc.) The .bat scripts provide the same functionality as the exe.