Import the Metadata to the New Installation

Follow the steps of this section to import the metadata of the previous installation to the new one.

  1. Stop all the servers and tools of the current installation.

  2. Copy the external classes and libraries that you added to the directory <OLD_DENODO_HOME>/extensions/thirdparty/lib to <NEW_DENODO_HOME>/extensions/thirdparty/lib.

    • Do not copy the JDBC drivers you copied there. Denodo 7.0 creates a folder in <NEW_DENODO_HOME>/lib-external/jdbc-drivers for each supported JDBC adapter whose driver is not included in the Denodo Platform. You should copy the drivers to the appropriate subdirectory.

      For example, copy the Vertica driver to <NEW_DENODO_HOME>/lib-external/jdbc-drivers/vertica-7

    • Do not copy the following files to the new installation (depending on your current version, these files may exist or not):

      • denodo-vdp-jdbcdriver-basic.jar

      • derbyclient-*.jar

      • jtds-*.jar

      • ojdbc14-

      • oracle-driver-*.jar

      • postgresql-*.jar

      The installer of the previous version of Denodo copied these files to that folder. Copying them to the Denodo 7.0 will cause interoperability problems.

      Some of these files may not exist depending on the version of Denodo you are upgrading.

  3. If the cache engine on the previous installation uses the “Generic” cache adapter, copy the files cacheConfig-generic.xml and cacheConfig-generic-unicode.xml of the directory <OLD_DENODO_HOME>/conf/vdp, to <NEW_DENODO_HOME>/conf/vdp.

  4. If on the previous installation you enabled SSL, copy the keystore file to the new installation. To check if SSL was enabled, open the file <OLD_DENODO_HOME>/conf/vdp/ and check if the property is uncommented and is true. If it is, copy the file of the property to the new installation.

  5. Start all the servers of the new Denodo Platform 7.0.

  6. Import the metadata to Virtual DataPort and ITPilot’s Wrapper server using the import script of the new installation. To do this, open a command line and execute the following:

cd bin
import --file export_from_denodo_60.vql --server //localhost:9999/admin?<administrator user>@<password> --singleuser

Alternatively, you can do this from the wizard File > Import of the Virtual DataPort Administration tool.

The section Exporting and Importing the Server Metadata of the Virtual DataPort Administration Guide provides more details about how to use the import script and the “File > Import” wizard.

  1. Import the metadata of the ITPilot Wrapper Generation Tool: open the Wrapper Generation Tool, click File > Import and select the file exported in the step 8 of section “Export the Metadata of the Current Installation”.

  2. Import the metadata of Scheduler: use the import script located at <NEW_DENODO_HOME>/tools/scheduler.

  3. Import all the saved queries of all users in Data Catalog:

    The section Saved Queries of Data Catalog Guide provides more details about this step.

  4. Once you finish setting-up Denodo 7.0, run all the Scheduler jobs of the type “VDP Indexer” to index the data again. The indexes generated with Denodo Scheduler for the Information Self-Service Tool of Denodo 6.0 cannot be migrated to Denodo 7.0. The reason is that their format is incompatible with the Data Catalog of Denodo 7.0 (in Denodo 7.0, the Data Catalog replaces the Information Self-Service Tool of 6.0).

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