What Is New in Denodo 7.0 Update 7.0u20220531

This page lists the main enhancements of the update 7.0u20220531.

For a full list of enhancements and bug fixes, read the Release Notes of the update, in the Support Site or inside the zip file of the update.

Virtual DataPort

Virtual DataPort (Data Sources)

  • Multidimensional data sources that connect to SAP (BAPI): these data sources can now do pass-through session credentials using SAP “logon tickets” in environments with constrained delegation.

Virtual DataPort (Cache Engine)

Added support for a new cache database: Azure SQL.

OData 4.0 Service

  • The service now supports the query option $apply=groupby().

  • You can now use the in operator in the query option $filter.

Information about Deprecated Features

No features have been marked as deprecated with the release of this update.

The following sections list all the features that are deprecated in Denodo 7.0:

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