After the user enters the tool, he/she is shown a screen with a list of Scheduler servers to choose from, as shown in Servers screen.

Servers screen¶
After choosing the desired server, the user will have to enter his/her credentials for connecting to it, as shown in Authentication screen. There is a local user out of the box (with login “admin” and password initially set to “admin”) with administration rights for the Scheduler server, but it is also possible to delegate the authentication to a Virtual DataPort server. For information about how to create users in Virtual DataPort using its Administration Tool see the Virtual DataPort Administration Guide.
According to this, there are two types of authentication:
Local-based authentication. The user is authenticated against the Scheduler Server. To choose this type of authentication the check box Local Authentication must be checked. Note, that with this type of authentication only the local user “admin” can be used.
VDP-based authentication. It allows accessing to Scheduler with an existing Virtual DataPort user (including the Virtual DataPort “admin” user). In this case, the Scheduler server delegates the authentication to a Virtual DataPort server (see section Virtual DataPort Settings for instructions about how to configure it). To choose this type of authentication the check box Local Authentication must be unchecked.
If Kerberos is configured (see section Kerberos Configuration), you can log in to the server with Kerberos using Single Sign On (SSO). Note there is no support to use Kerberos with user and password.

Authentication screen¶
When the authentication is delegated to a Virtual DataPort server, Scheduler also retrieves the roles that have been assigned to the user on that server (roles can be created and assigned from the Virtual DataPort Administration Tool). Scheduler allows assigning permissions to a specific role, to delimit the tasks a user with that role can perform over the Scheduler server. The permissions are assigned from the Scheduler administration tool (see section Permissions for more information).
VDP-based authentication and roles retrieval is only possible if connection with the configured Virtual DataPort server is possible. Otherwise, only local-based authentication can take place (using the local user “admin”).