Use of the Import/Export Scripts for Backup (Scheduler)

The import and export scripts are available in the tools/scheduler directory of the platform. They are provided in two versions: and (for Linux systems) and import.bat and export.bat (for Windows systems).


The export script allows for all metadata and configuration of a Scheduler server to be exported to a zip file. The data exported is the same as the obtained with the equivalent option of the administration tool (see section Scheduler Server Configuration).

The format in which the script is invoked is as follows:

export -h host -p port -l login -P password [-mp <metadataPassword> ]  [ -vdpauth ][ -L <project1, project2...> ]
[ -dependencies ] [ -config ] [ -drivers ] [ -plugins ] [ -exportWithProperties ] [ -permissions ] -f outputFilename


-h host indicates the name or IP address of the machine where the server is launched.

-p port indicates the port number at which the server is launched.

-l login indicates the login name used to connect to the server.

-P password indicates the password used to connect to the server. You can encrypt your password using the script encrypt_password. That way you can avoid entering it in plain text. If the password is encrypted, prefix it with encrypted: E.g. -P encrypted:Gr16MjvuXhRzPtPH/yTXHw==

-mp metadataPassword is an optional argument. Using it encrypts exported sensitive metadata with the given password. You can encrypt your password using the script encrypt_password. That way you can avoid entering it in plain text. If the password is encrypted, prefix it with encrypted: E.g. -mp encrypted:Gr16MjvuXhRzPtPH/yTXHw==

-vdpauth is an optional argument. Using it causes the given user to be authenticated against the Virtual DataPort server configured in Virtual DataPort settings. Otherwise, the authentication is local to Scheduler.

-L p1, p2... is an optional argument. Using it causes named projects to be exported; otherwise all projects are exported.

-dependencies is an optional argument. Using it includes the elements on which the selected items depend.

-config is an optional argument. Using it causes server configuration to be exported.

-drivers is an optional argument. Using it causes JDBC adapters to be exported. When the export all projects option is selected all JDBC adapters are exported, otherwise only the adapters used by the selected projects are exported.

-plugins is an optional argument. Using it causes plugins to be exported. When the export all projects option is selected all plugins are exported, otherwise only the plugins used by the selected projects are exported.

-exportWithProperties is an optional argument. Using it causes the zip exported file to contain two files: one that contains the metadata and another one that contains the values of the parameters whose value depend on the environment where the Server is running.

-permissions is an optional argument. Using it causes the roles and permissions to be exported.

-f outputFilename indicates the name of the zip file that will contain the exported metadata.

The line below is an example of running the export command:

export -h localhost -p 8000 -l admin -P admin -L default -f

This command exports the metadata of the default project of the Scheduler server being run in the local machine on port 8000. Access to the server is made using the login admin with the password admin. The result of the export is saved to a file known as


The import script allows importing the metadata and configuration contained in a zip file obtained by using the export utility.

The format used to invoke the script is as follows:

import -h host -p port -l login -P password
-f inputFilename [ -pf <propertiesFile> ] [-mp <metadataPassword> ] [ -vdpauth ] [ -replace | [ -replaceJobs ] [ -replaceDataSources ]
[ -replaceFilterSequences ] [ -replacePlugins ] [ -replaceDrivers ] ] [ -legacy ]


-h host indicates the name or IP address of the machine where the server is launched.

-p port indicates the port number at which the server is launched.

-l login indicates the login name used to connect to the server.

-P password indicates the password used to connect to the server. You can encrypt your password using the script encrypt_password. That way you can avoid entering it in plain text. If the password is encrypted, prefix it with encrypted: E.g. -P encrypted:Gr16MjvuXhRzPtPH/yTXHw==

-mp metadataPassword is an optional argument. Use it to decrypt sensitive metadata with the given password. You can encrypt your password using the script encrypt_password. That way you can avoid entering it in plain text. If the password is encrypted, prefix it with encrypted: E.g. -mp encrypted:Gr16MjvuXhRzPtPH/yTXHw==

-vdpauth is an optional argument. Using it causes the given user to be authenticated against the Virtual DataPort server configured in Virtual DataPort settings. Otherwise, the authentication is local to Scheduler.

-f inputFile is the path to the file that contains the metadata to be imported.

-pf propertiesFile is the path to the properties file with the values of the parameters that depend on the environment where the Server is running. If the file specified in the -f argument already contains a properties file inside, they will be ignored if the -pf option is used.

-replace is an optional argument that specifies that the elements included in the imported file will replace existing elements with the same name. If the -replace option is used, the -replaceXXX options (explained below) will be ignored.

-replaceJobs is an optional argument that specifies that the jobs included in the imported file will replace existing jobs with the same name.

-replaceDataSources is an optional argument that specifies that the data sources included in the imported file will replace existing data sources with the same name.

-replaceFilterSequences is an optional argument that specifies that the filter sequences included in the imported file will replace existing filter sequences with the same name.

-replacePlugins is an optional argument that specifies that the plugins included in the imported file will replace existing plugins with the same name.

-replaceDrivers is an optional argument that specifies that the drivers included in the imported file will replace existing drivers with the same name.

-legacy is an optional argument that must be used to import metadata exported with Denodo Platform 4.6 and an update previous to 20120905 or Denodo Platform 4.7 and an update previous to 20120802 (if this option is not used, the metadata could be not properly imported). Anyway, if the exported metadata are still in the server, to import them in Denodo Platform 7.0 it is preferable to install the last update of the corresponding version (4.6 or 4.7), export them again and import them without this option. Also note that this option should only be used with metadata exported with previous versions of the Denodo Platform (4.6 or 4.7) and an update previous to the mentioned ones (in other case the metadata could be not properly imported).

For example:

import -h localhost -p 8000 -l admin -P admin -f -vdpauth -replace

This sentence imports the metadata contained in to the server running in the local machine on port 8000. Access to the server uses the login admin with the password admin, authenticated against a Virtual DataPort server. Information and warning messages returned by the server as a result of the import are written to the console.


when using the -vdpauth parameter, it is necessary that the user used to import/export the backup has the role scheduler_admin assigned in Virtual DataPort in order to have the permissions to perform these actions.

These scripts exit with code 0 when there are no errors; otherwise, they return 1.

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