General Structure of a Job

The following are the different types of jobs supported by Denodo Scheduler:

  • VDP: allow data to be extracted by querying views or processes stored from Denodo Virtual DataPort.

  • VDPCache: allow querying views from Denodo Virtual DataPort to preload its cache. In order to preload the cache of a view, it must have its cache enabled and properly configured. With one job of this type, multiple views can be preloaded.

  • VDPIndexer: allow querying views from Denodo Virtual DataPort to generate an index that is then used by the Data Catalog. This index contains a document for each field of each tuple retrieved from VDP.

  • ITP: allow data to be extracted by querying Web automation flows from Denodo ITPilot.

  • JDBC: allow data to be extracted from tables or processes contained in relational databases using JDBC. Each job of this type is informed of the data to access a certain database and the table or SQL query to be used to retrieve the required data.

  • ARN: allow data to be extracted from unstructured data sources, mainly Web sites, file systems, or e-mail servers.

  • ARN-Index: allow configuring maintenance operations to be performed on one or several Denodo Scheduler indexes.


ARN and ARN-Index jobs are deprecated and will be removed in a later version of the Denodo Platform. This way, no new jobs of these types can be created in version 7.0 (you could still edit and execute the existing ones).


VDP and JDBC jobs can also execute DDL (CREATE, DROP, ALTER, TRUNCATE, …) and DML (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CALL, …) statements.

All jobs have a name, a description, and share the job retries section (Retry Section) and the result handlers section 1 (Handlers Section) as well as time-based scheduling section (Triggers Section). Also, the extraction jobs (but VDPCache) share the exporter section 2 (Exporters Section) and the parameterized jobs (ITP, JDBC, VDP, VDPCache and VDPIndexer) also share the reports configuration section (Reports Section). The extraction section (Extraction Section) is specified for each type of extraction job and will be discussed in detail for each type in the following sections.

In the extraction section (Example of extraction section) the data source from which the data is obtained is specified using a previously created data source (see section Data Sources). Different configuration data needs to be supplied depending on the type of data source.

Example of extraction section

Example of extraction section

In the exporters section (Example of exporters section) a list of exporters can be specified. For each one can be indicated a filter sequence for post processing the results obtained and an exporter to dump the results into one or more external repositories. Denodo Scheduler supplies implemented exporters to CSV files (this exporter can also be used to generate files compatible with Microsoft Excel), relational databases which have a JDBC adapter, and Denodo Scheduler indexes (only available for VDPIndexer jobs). It also allows new exporters developed for special ad-hoc needs to be used.

Example of exporters section

Example of exporters section

In the retries section (Example of the retries section) the user can enable retries for the job and configure how and when the retries will be executed. In any case, a job will only be retried if there were errors during its execution or the number of exported documents was less than expected.

Example of the retries section

Example of the retries section

In the handlers section (Example of handlers section) actions to be performed once the extraction and exportation of all the tuples of a job have finished are specified. It allows, among other actions, sending an e-mail with the execution summary of a job to a series of e-mail addresses. It also allows the use of new handlers developed for custom needs.

Example of handlers section

Example of handlers section

In the reports section of parameterized jobs (Reports section), it can be specified what individual reports (i.e. the sub-reports corresponding with each execution of the parameterized query) should be added to the report of each job execution. The user can choose to include only those individual reports informing about an error or, on the other hand, to include all. It is also possible to limit the number of individual reports for each job execution. By default, only individual reports with errors will be stored, and the default maximum is 500. It is important to note that every execution of a job will generate a new report (regardless of this configuration). If the job is parameterized, each combination of the input parameter values will generate a new individual report that will be included in the main job report (as a sub-report). If this individual report does not contain any errors and the user has enabled the “Include only individual reports with errors” check box or if the number of individual reports (for the same main report) has reached the maximum configured number, it will be not added to the main report and it will be discarded.

Reports section

Reports section

Lastly, each job defines scheduling data that specifies when it will be executed, as shown in Example of triggers section. The current configuration allows similar features as the classic cron application for UNIX systems.

Example of triggers section

Example of triggers section

In the section VDPIndexer Extraction Section the fields returned in the documents obtained for each type of job are discussed, as well as their types.

While creating or editing an existing job, there are several options to save its configuration, all of them accessible in the “Save” drop-down menu:

  • “Save” (default action). When using this option, the job’s configuration is validated so all the necessary parameters have a defined value.

  • “Save draft”. An incomplete job can be created by using this option. In this case, the only mandatory field is the name of the job. A draft job is a potentially incomplete job; thus, it cannot be started in the Scheduler perspective. A draft job can be edited like the rest of the jobs. After completely filling in all the mandatory fields of a job, pressing the Save button will create an executable job.

  • “Save as…” This option allows creating a new job with the current configuration and a new name. This option will only be enabled while editing a previously existing job.


You can create a new job with the same configuration as an existing one. To do this, open the job you want to clone and press the button “Clone Job”. Then provide a name for the new job, and it will be created with this name and the same configuration as the original one. This is similar to the “Save as…” option explained before, but without the need for being editing the selected job.


VDPIndexer jobs can only have handlers of type Mail.


VDPIndexer jobs can only have exporters of type Scheduler Index or Elasticsearch.

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