Handler Section¶
The last step before completing the execution of a job is to execute the handlers that have been configured.
Denodo Scheduler allows one or several of the following types of handlers to be added for a job:
Mail. Allows the results report on the job execution to be sent by e-mail (see section Jobs, Reports action on a job). Requires a list of destination e-mail addresses to be specified (Mail addresses) and allows the following sending conditions to be set:
Always. An e-mail is sent to the recipients each time a job execution is completed.
When any of the following conditions happen:
Errors. An e-mail will be sent when there have been errors in the execution of the job (any errors that have occurred before the handlers’ stage, i.e. extraction/filtering/export errors).
Misfire. An e-mail will be sent when the job misfired.
The number of exported documents is less than: XX. An e-mail will be sent when the number of exported tuples is below the configured threshold.
The number of exported documents is more (or equals) than: XX. An e-mail will be sent when the number of exported tuples is greater or equals than the configured threshold.
Custom. Users can also create their own custom handlers. See section Handlers.
“Move-File-Repository” handler is deprecated and will be removed in a later version of the Denodo Platform. No new “Move-File-Repository” handlers can be created in version 7.0, but you could edit and use the existing ones. You can see the documentation from previous version.
Handlers can be configured to be executed only on the last retry of the
job (see section Retry Section) by checking the option Execute
handler only on last retry. Otherwise, they will be executed on all
the retries of the job. In the latter case, they can check, during it
execution, if the job is going to be retried (using the JobReport
object received by the method execute
; see section Handlers for
more information).