ITP Data Sources

To be able to create an ITP job (see section ITP Extraction Section) it is necessary to create an ITP data source in advance. To create an ITP data source the following parameters need to be specified:

  • Host. Machine name in which the ITPilot server will run.

  • Port. Port number for the ITPilot server.

  • Database name (optional). Name of the database for executing the wrappers (by default itpilot).

  • Username (optional). Username with which the connection to the ITPilot server will be made (by default “admin”).

  • Password (optional). Password associated with the user specified (by default “admin”).

  • Query timeout (optional). Maximum time (in milliseconds) that Scheduler will wait for the wrapper to execute. If not indicated (or the value 0 is received), then it waits until execution is complete (by default 0).

  • Chunk timeout (optional). Maximum time (in milliseconds) that Scheduler will wait for a new chunk of results. Where this time is exceeded, ITPilot returns the results extracted up to that moment. If not specified (or the value 0 is received), ITPilot returns all the results together at the end of the statement run (by default 0).

  • Chunk size (optional). Number of results that make up a chunk of results. When ITPilot obtains this number of results, it will return them to the Scheduler, even though the Chunk Timeout has not been reached (by default 100).

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