JDBC Data Sources

JDBC data sources can be used for the following objectives:

To create a JDBC data source you need to specify the following parameters:

  • Database adapter. Name of the JDBC adapter to be used to access the relational database. In section Plugins and JDBC Adapters, the adapters distributed with Denodo Scheduler are discussed as well as how new ones can be added. When selecting an adapter, the connection URI fields, name of the driver class, and classpath are filled in automatically. In the case of a connection URI, a connection template for the database will appear which should be modified according to the remote server that you want to access.

  • Connection URI. Database access URI.

  • Driver class name. Name of the Java class of the JDBC adapter to be used.

  • Classpath. Path for the folder that contains the JAR files with the implementation classes needed by the JDBC adapter.

  • Username (optional). Username for accessing the external database.

  • Password (optional). User password for accessing the external database.

  • Enable pool (optional). It is possible to enable the use of a pool of connections against the database server by checking this check box. In this case, the following parameters can be specified for the pool.

    • Initial size of the pool (optional). Number of connections with which the pool is to be initialized. The specified number of connections are established and created in an “idle” state, ready to be used.

    • Maximum active connections in the pool (optional). Maximum number of active connections that can be managed by the pool at the same time (zero means no limit).

    • Maximum idle connections in the pool (optional). Maximum number of active connections that can remain idle in the pool without the need for additional connections to be disengaged (zero implies no limit).

    • Maximum time to wait for a connection from the pool (optional). Maximum amount of time to wait for an idle object when the pool is exhausted (-1 means no limit).

    • Validation query (optional). SQL query used by the pool to verify the status of the connections that are cached. The query should be simple, and the table in question should exist.

    • Test connections (optional). If you check this option, the pool will try to validate each connection before being returned. Where the connection is not valid (restart of the management system, closed connection, etc.), it will be eliminated from the pool and a new one will be created.

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