The “Jobs” perspective for the administration tool allows the list of Scheduler jobs to be displayed, as shown in the figure Jobs screen. It is possible to filter by project, job type, job state and/or job name. When filtering by job name, only those jobs whose name contains the sequence of characters typed in the search box (ignoring its case) will be shown.
The table showing the job information allows them to be ordered by all their fields. For this, you only have to click on the field header for the one you want to perform the sorting.

Jobs screen¶
The following information is provided for each job:
Name. The job’s name.
Project. The name of the project the job belongs to.
Type. The type of job (ITP, JDBC, VDP, VDPCache, VDPIndexer).
State. The current state of the job. In particular, a job can be found running (RUNNING), not running (NOT_RUNNING), waiting (WAITING), or having been disabled (DISABLED), in which case, it will not move to the RUNNING state until it is enabled. The jobs will appear DISABLED also in the case where the server has been paused using the API (you can only disable the whole server if there is no job in a RUNNING state). See section Scheduler Client API for more information on how to pause the server via API.
Last Execution. Shows the last time the job was executed. It will be blank if it never has been executed.
Next Execution. Shows the next time the job will be executed. It will appear blank if it has been disabled or, according to its time-based scheduling, it will not run again.
Result. Shows the completion state of the last execution of the job. A job can be completed correctly (COMPLETED), end with an error condition detected (ERROR), or stopped by the user (STOPPED).
Extracted Tuples. Number of tuples/documents that have been extracted in the last execution of the job. This number is dynamically updated when the job is running. If the job has a Retry Handler configured (see section Handler Section) and any retry is executed, this column will also show the accumulative number of extracted tuples over all retries executed so far. The format will be one of the following:
without retries: #tuples
with retries: #retry_tuples (#accumulative_tuples)
Extracted Errors. Number of errors occurred during the extraction phase in the last execution of the job. If the job has a Retry Handler configured (see section Handler Section), this column shows the number of errors occurred during the execution of the retry.
Processed Tuples/Errors. For each tuple/extracted document the configured filter sequences are applied, and the tuples that fulfill their filters are sent to the exporters. This column displays the name of each exporter, the number of tuples that have been sent to it and number of errors that occurred during the exporting process. If the job has a Retry Handler configured (see section Handler Section) and any retry is executed, this column will show the accumulative number of exported tuples (for each exporter) over all retries executed so far. The format will be one of the following:
without retries: #tuples / #errors
with retries: #retry_tuples (#accumulative_tuples) / #retry_errors
Actions. Shows the different actions that can be performed on a job (depending on its current state).
Start. Forces a full execution of the job at this moment. Only applicable to jobs that are in a NOT_RUNNING state.
Start With Dependencies. Executes the job at this moment by forcing all of its dependencies (if any) to be executed before. If some of these jobs have their own dependencies, they will be executed first (creating an execution chain).
Start With State. In the case of jobs that can launch multiple queries against the same data source, if in the last execution any error occurred when executing any query or the job was stopped before completing the execution, Start With State will execute the job by only completing those queries that failed or that had not been completed yet. Otherwise, it works in the same way as Start by repeating the execution of the whole job.
Stop. Stops a job. Only applicable to jobs that are in a RUNNING state.
Reports. Allows access to reports of the last executions of each job. Each report shows information on the execution date for each job, the number of extracted tuples/documents, and the number of exported tuples/documents for each job exporter, indicating whether there have been any errors when configuring, accessing sources, exporting results, or during the handlers execution. According to the type of job executed, the report shows more detailed information specific to this type of job. In the case of jobs that execute multiple queries, they will show a detailed report for the result of the execution of each of the queries. The maximum number of reports stored can be configured. It is also possible to indicate that only the reports including errors should be stored (see section General Structure of a Job, for instructions on how to configure reports).
It is possible to perform the explained actions over a group of jobs. In addition, you can also Enable (it enables a job that is in state DISABLED, so it can be executed), Disable (it disables a job - and stops it first if it is in state RUNNING -, so it cannot be executed) or Delete several jobs and Delete Reports from several jobs at once. For this, you only have to click on the check box next to each job in order to select them and then click on the desired action. Selected jobs are only kept as selected in the current view: when the user selects a job and then filters the table or paginates it, if the selected job does not appear in the new view, it will be unselected.