Extensions (Plugins)

Denodo Scheduler allows users to create their own filters (deprecated), exporters, handlers or crawlers (deprecated).


Filters and crawlers are deprecated and will be removed in a later version of the Denodo Platform. If you still want to implement a new one, you can see the documentation from previous version.

The following sections describe how to implement a new exporter or handler.

Denodo4E, an Eclipse plug-in which provides tools for creating, debugging and deploying Denodo extensions, including exporters and handlers, is included in the Denodo Platform. Read the README in <DENODO_HOME>/tools/denodo4e for more information.

Once the extension is implemented, it needs to be packed in a JAR file along with an XML file that specifies its configuration metadata (the extension type, its name, and its input parameters), and, optionally, another XML file that specifies the default values of the input parameters specified in the metadata. The metadata is used by the administration tool to configure the extension through an auto-generated configuration wizard (metadata specifies the value of the parameters the extension receives in its init method), and the default values can be used to initially set the values of the parameters in the configuration wizard.

The name and location of the metadata file must be the same as that of the class that implements the extension (i.e. in the same package as the implementation class). It must follow the DTD custom-metaconfig.dtd which can be found in the JAR file <DENODO_HOME>/lib/contrib/denodo-configuration.jar. In this XML file the element tag allows the type (type) and subtype (subType) to be specified for the extension. Each configuration parameter is specified using the param element, whose attributes are the parameter name (name), its obligatoriness (mandatory), if it can have multiple values (multivalued), its Java type (javaType), if it contains sensitive data (hidden), the label to be displayed in the configuration wizard (displayName), and a help text to be shown as a tooltip in the configuration wizard (helpText). Hidden parameters’ values will be shown as strings of dots in the configuration wizard, and if no displayName is specified, then the parameter name will be used as the parameter label. If a parameter is compound, the components of the parameter are listed within the components element.

The following metadata XML file for the XMLCustomHandler handler included in the Scheduler samples is shown as an example. As can be seen, it is a handler element called “xml-custom-handler”, which has as input parameters the input and output file paths.

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

 <!DOCTYPE metaconfig SYSTEM "custom-metaconfig.dtd">

   <element type="handler" subType="xml-custom-handler"
        class="com.denodo.scheduler.demo.XMLCustomHandler" />

   <param javaType="java.lang.String" mandatory="false" multivalued="false"
        name="Input file absolute path" />
   <param javaType="java.lang.String" mandatory="true" multivalued="false"
        name="Output XML file absolute path" />


The export/import process (see section Connection Details for details) attempts to convert from id to name and then from name to id the values of all parameters called “datasource” (because the id of a data source will be different for each installation). So, if you need to use a data source’s id as the value for an extension’s parameter, you should call it “datasource”. If you need to use a data source’s name as the value for an extension’s parameter, then you should use a parameter name different to “datasource” (otherwise, after exporting and then importing a job using this extension, the value of the “datasource” parameter would be replaced by an id).

The optional default values file must be placed in the same directory than the metadata file and must have the same name prefixed by “default_”. It must follow the DTD default-custom-config.dtd which can also be found in the JAR file <DENODO_HOME>/lib/contrib/denodo-configuration.jar. In this XML file the simple-param and compound-param tags are used to set the default value of simple and compound parameters, respectively. Both accept an attribute (name) to specify the name of the parameter. The value is specified using a nested value tag. In the case of the simple parameters the value tag contains the parameter value itself, and in the case of the compound parameters it contains nested simple-param or compound-param tags to specify the values of the parameters composing it. Only one default value can be specified for both simple and compound parameters, even though they are multivalued. If the parameter is multivalued, the attribute instances can be used in the parameter tag to specify the number of parameters of that type to be initially created (its default value is 1, and it can be set to 0 if no parameters of that type should be created). All the instances of the multivalued parameters, including those added later by the user, will be initially created with the default values specified for the parameters composing it. If the parameter is not multivalued but it is optional, the attribute instances can be used to specify if the parameter should be initially created (instances should be set to 1) or not (instances should be set to 0).

The following default values XML file could be used with the XMLCustomHandler handler shown previously. As can be seen, it specifies “/tmp” as the default value for the Output XML file absolute path parameter.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE metaconfig SYSTEM "default-custom-config.dtd">


    <simple-param name="Output XML file absolute path">


Finally, in the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF JAR file the following metadata needs to be specified:

  • Name: CustomElement

  • PluginType: exporter | handler

  • PluginName: Name of the extension (it will be used as name for the extension in the administration tool).

  • PluginClass: Name of the extension implementation class.

The following MANIFEST.MF fragment for the XMLCustomHandler handler included in the Scheduler samples is shown as an example.

Manifest-Version: 1.0

Name: CustomElement
PluginType: handler
PluginName: XMLCustomHandler
PluginClass: com.denodo.scheduler.demo.XMLCustomHandler

Section Plugins describes how to install a new extension in Scheduler.

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