Creating Clusters


Only global administrators and Solution Manager administrators can create clusters. More information is available in the Authorization section.

Solution Manager administrators have several ways to create clusters:

  1. Click an environment node environment_node and select new-cluster-text-btn on the emerging menu.

    Create new cluster from environment

    Create new cluster from environment

  2. When you create an environment, the Solution Manager Administration Tool will suggest you to create a new cluster. Accept the suggestion.

    Suggestion for creating a cluster

    Suggestion for creating a cluster

Whatever path you follow, the following dialog will open to create a new cluster:

Dialog to create a cluster

Dialog to create a cluster

As part of the cluster definition, this dialog considers the following fields:

  • Name: Descriptive name for the cluster.

  • Description: Extensive description about the cluster. This field is optional.

  • Cluster enabled: To enable / disable a cluster. Disabled clusters are ignored in deployments operations.

    Disabled clusters are grayed out in the environments tree.

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