Configuring Environments

You can open an environment to check and edit all the information related to it. There are two different ways to do that:

  1. Click the node in the catalog tree that represents the environment env_node and select open-text-btn in the emerging menu.

    Open an environment from the catalog tree

    Open an environment from the catalog tree

  2. Double-click its node.

A new tab will open in the main area of the Solution Manager Administration Tool with all the information of that environment. Nevertheless, the dialog you see and the available options depend on the kind of user you are.

A developer can only check the basic information entered at creation time in read-only mode.

Environment dialog from a developer perspective

Environment dialog from a developer perspective

A Solution Manager administrator can check and edit all the information that was available in the creation dialog. Remember that the environment name is not editable. In addition, this type of user can check the content of the license assigned to the environment clicking in the info-btn button next to the License information field.

Environment dialog from a Solution Manager administrator perspective

Environment dialog from a Solution Manager administrator perspective

Like a developer or a promotion user, a promotion administrator can only read the basic information of an environment. Nevertheless, she has full access to new configuration parameters related to deployment and Virtual DataPort properties.

Environment dialog from a promotion administrator perspective

Environment dialog from a promotion administrator perspective

Finally, a JMX administrator can only read the basic information of an environment, and can change the logging level of the Virtual DataPort servers included in the environment.

Environment dialog from a JMX administrator perspective

Environment dialog from a JMX administrator perspective

A global administrator has no restriction at all. She can edit all the basic parameters as well as the advanced parameters about deployments and Virtual DataPort properties.

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