Configuring Virtual DataPort Properties


Only global administrators and promotion administrators can manage Virtual DataPort properties. More information is available in the Authorization section.

For those scenarios where you work with several environments, Virtual DataPort allows you to export its metadata in a parameterized way, using two files. On the one hand, you have a parameterized VQL file with the definition of all the elements of the catalog; on the other hand, you have a properties file with all the environment-dependent values, like the URL of a JDBC data source or the final location of an XML file. Solution Manager makes use of this feature for promoting changes from one environment to another. The VQL changes from the source environment are applied to the target environment using the Virtual DataPort properties from the latter.


There is more information about the list of properties considered by Virtual DataPort in the section Export to a File with Properties of the Virtual DataPort Administration Guide.

Virtual DataPort properties are administered from the environment dialog. Open it and go to the section VDP Properties. You will see a dialog like the one below, which displays all the Virtual DataPort properties of that environment in a hierarchical view.

Dialog to administer Virtual DataPort properties

Dialog to administer Virtual DataPort properties

Those properties that represent passwords show their values hidden by default.

This dialog allows you to perform the following operations:

  • Add a new property: Click the new-text-btn button. A new dialog will appear. Enter its name and value and confirm.

    To assign an undefined value to a property, select the check box Set as undefined. This is useful if you do not know the value of a property but you want to create it anyway. Properties with an undefined value are not valid when you deploy or validate a revision. To see the properties with an undefined value, select Show only undefined properties.

  • Edit the value of a property: Right-click the value of a property and click on the option edit-property-text-btn in the emerging menu. Enter the new value for the property in the dialog that appears and confirm.

  • Edit the value of several properties: Select several properties from the tree and click the edit-text-btn button. Enter the new value for the selected properties in the dialog that appears and confirm.


    It is not possible to edit password and normal properties at the same time.

  • Remove properties: Select several properties from the tree and click the remove-text-btn button.

  • Import a properties file: Click the import-text-btn button and a new dialog will appear.

    Dialog to drag & drop a file with Virtual DataPort properties

    Dialog to drag & drop a file with Virtual DataPort properties

    You can drag and drop a file from your machine with Virtual DataPort properties. As soon as the upload finishes, a new dialog will appear where you can preview and confirm the new values of the properties.

    Dialog to confirm the new values of the imported Virtual DataPort properties

    Dialog to confirm the new values of the imported Virtual DataPort properties

    You can restore the old value of a single property, restore the old value of all the properties with the button copy-all-values-to-left or edit the new value. Also, you can select several properties from the tree and click edit-text-btn to edit the value of more than one property at one time. You can select the check box Show only properties with distinct values to filter those properties with actual changes from the previous values. Take into account that the imported properties whose value are empty, will lose their old values.

  • Export the properties to a file: Click the export-text-btn button and a file will start downloading to your machine with all the Virtual DataPort properties. Undefined properties will not be included in the output file.

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