The information infrastructure of any organization evolves in the same manner as the software development does. Any change in the infrastructure has to surpass a series of stages in a defined lifecycle, until it finally reaches production. A typical lifecycle considers stages like development, staging or production. In the Denodo ecosystem, each one of these stages is called an environment.
In terms of composition, an environment is defined as a set of servers, of the same or different type, working together for a common purpose. For example, an environment can be composed by several Virtual DataPort servers, one Scheduler server and one database server working as data cache. In addition, an environment is also composed by all the resources and data sources that the servers depend on.
Inside an environment, servers are organized in one or several clusters, with a load balancer per cluster. All the requests that enter the cluster are preprocessed by the load balancer, who decides which is the final server that will process the queries among the set that conforms the cluster. That is the way organizations guarantee high availability in their systems.
Take into account that, for this to work, all the servers in the same environment have to share the same metadata, since they operate on the same resources and data sources. However, each environment manages its own set of data sources and resources. Hence, the server’s metadata must be different among environments.
The Solution Manager allows you to promote changes from one environment to the next one in the lifecycle. Since every environment has different needs, in terms of consistency or service interruption, the Solution Manager implements several strategies for deploy changes. Therefore, each environment can configure its own deployment strategy.
Along this chapter, you will learn to:
Create a new environment and define its basic information.
Manage Virtual DataPort properties for a specific environment.
Configure a proper deployment strategy according to the environment needs.
Configure the logging level of the Virtual DataPort servers included in the environment.