Import and Export Catalog¶
The Solution Manager provides a convenient way of backing up its configuration and restore it if necessary.
Only administrators and Solution Manager administrators can back up and restore the configuration of the Solution Manager.
To create a backup, click the root of the catalog tree () and click Export.

Import or export the Solution Manager catalog¶
A backup includes the following elements:
Environments basic information.
Clusters basic information.
Servers basic information.
User-defined load balancing variables and the values assigned to clusters and servers.
It does not include:
Virtual DataPort properties assigned to the environments.
Environments deployments configuration.
Scheduler properties assigned to the clusters.
A backup is a JSON file.
To restore a backup, click the root of the tree area and click Import. A new popup will show up, click it and select the file you want to restore.
Dialog to import the Solution Manager catalog¶
If the selected file contains environments that already exist, you can decide if you want to replace them or not.