Assign a License to an Environment¶
Denodo License Manager is a centralized place where Denodo servers can obtain their license. In a regular basis, the servers ask the License Manager for their license and it provides each one of them with a license according to the environment they belong to. For this to work, the environment must have a license scenario assigned.
If the scenario of the environment to which the server belongs is Production and the Denodo global license contains hot backup or cold backup license scenarios, you can assign a custom license scenario to a server when you are creating a new server or when you are editing an existent one.
You can assign a license scenario to an environment when you are
creating a new environment or when you are
editing an existent one. In the latter case,
remember to save your changes clicking the button . To assign a
license scenario to an environment, just choose one of the available scenarios
for the field License scenario.

Assign a license scenario to an existent environment¶
Check the License Information for an Environment¶
At any moment you can check the content of the license that the License Manager
will provide to the servers of a specific environment, according to its license
scenario. In the Solution Manager Administration Tool,
open the environment and click
, next to the field License Information. A new dialog will open
with the features and the restrictions that apply to the servers of that

License information for an environment¶