Only administrators and JMX administrators (users with the role jmxadmin
can execute monitoring operations.
More information is available in the Authorization section.
With the Solution Manager you can launch the Denodo Monitor to collect the execution logs from a single Virtual DataPort server, or from all the servers of a cluster or environment.
To monitor an environment, a cluster or a server, click on that element and then, click Start Monitor. The elements that are being monitored are marked with an “eye” icon next to the name of the element.

Start Denodo Monitor for an environment¶
To stop the Denodo Monitor on an environment, cluster or server, click on that element and click Stop Monitor.
Take the following into account:
If a server is being monitored, you cannot begin monitoring its cluster or environment.
If an environment or cluster is being monitored, you cannot begin monitoring one of its clusters or servers.
When an environment or cluster is being monitored, the Denodo Monitor for that server, environment or cluster has to be restarted if you:
Rename or delete a Virtual DataPort server.
Add a new server or cluster to the environment.
Delete a cluster from environment.
To see the list of elements that are being monitored, click the menu Monitoring > Active Monitoring.

Active monitoring table¶
Each row of this table is an element that is being monitored. If the element is a cluster or an environment, the Denodo Monitor will connect to all the servers of that cluster or environment.
To stop monitoring a server, click or
select several rows and click Stop Monitors.
By default, when you shut down the Solution Manager, it automatically shuts down the Denodo Monitor. When you start the Solution Manager again, you need to start manually the monitors you started before the restart.
You can configure the Solution Manager to keep the Denodo Monitor running, even when the Solution Manager is shut down. To do this, follow these steps:
Stop the Solution Manager.
Edit the file
.Set this property to
If this property is set to
note that you have to stop the Denodo Monitors manually before installing a new Solution Manager update in order to avoid undesirable errors.Start the Solution Manager
After this change, the next time you shut down the Solution Manager, the Denodo Monitor will keep running. When you start the Solution Manager again, you will not have to start the monitors.
Leaving the Denodo Monitor running permanently is useful to keep a history of the activity of the Denodo servers. For example, to log all the queries that all the Virtual DataPort servers of the organization run.
The Denodo Monitor generates the log files in the folder <SOLUTION_MANAGER_HOME>/resources/solution-manager-monitor/work
Log files of environments:
Log files of clusters:
Log files of servers:
For example, if you monitor the “Production” environment, the logs
are in the folder <SOLUTION_MANAGER_HOME>/resources/solution-manager-monitor/work/Production/logs
To store these log files on a different directory, change the value of the property com.denodo.solutionmanagerserver.monitoring.workDir
in the file <SOLUTION_MANAGER_HOME>/conf/solution-manager/
. Restart the Solution Manager server to apply the changes.
Monitoring Configuration¶
There are two configuration files for the Denodo Monitor of the Solution Manager, they are in the folder <SOLUTION_MANAGER_HOME>/conf/solution-manager/denodo-monitor
: general configuration template file.ConfigurationParametersServer.template
: configuration template file with specific server properties (ping timeout, monitors, list of data sources to ping…).
Solution Manager generates a configuration file for each monitoring execution based on these template files. The generated file is called
and it is stored in the conf
folder, in the working folder of the monitored element.
JDBC Logging Configuration¶
You can configure the Denodo Monitor to store the information generated by the Queries monitor and/or the Cache monitor in a database. When you enable this feature, Denodo Monitor will keep storing this information in the log files.
To enable this feature, follow these steps:
If you never monitored any Denodo server, cluster or environment, start monitoring one server. This will initialize the configuration of this module.
Copy the JDBC driver of the database (i.e. its jar file(s)) to the folder
.Go to the folder
and pick the script of the database where you want the logs to be stored.Execute this SQL script on the database. This script creates the tables REQUEST_NOTIFICATION and CACHE_NOTIFICATION.
Edit the file
:To store in the database the information of the “Queries Monitor”, do this:
Set the property
Look for the group of properties of the database you are going to use and uncomment its properties. For example, if you want to use MySQL, look for “JDBC Agent Parameters: MySQL” and uncomment the nine properties below. Change the following properties (do not modify the others):
: set to the URL to the database.vdpqueries.jdbcagent.user
: set to the user name that will connect to the database.vdpqueries.jdbcagent.password
set to the password of the user name that will connect to the database.To enter the password encrypted, open a command line and run this:
For Windows:
cd <SOLUTION_MANAGER_HOME>\resources\solution-manager-monitor\denodo-monitor\bin encrypt_password "<password of the database>"
For Linux:
cd <SOLUTION_MANAGER_HOME>/resources/solution-manager-monitor/denodo-monitor/bin ./ "<password of the database>"
Copy the result of this program to the property
and setvdpqueries.jdbcagent.password.encrypted
To store in the database the information of the “Cache Monitor”:
Set the property
.Repeat the same steps above, but for the properties whose name start with