Deployment Progress¶
Only global administrators, promotion administrators and promotion users can check the progress of a deployment. More information is available in the Authorization section.
The Solution Manager can show you the evolution of a specific deployment. You can access this information in two different ways:
Right after launching a deployment from the Revisions table, a notification appears. Click it.
From the Deployments table, click the icon under the column Status.
No matter the method you used, a new tab will open with all the information about that specific deployment.

Progress information about a deployment¶
This information consists of a set of tasks that the Solution Manager executes during the deployment. For each task, the following data is available:
Its name.
The cluster where the task is executed.
The server where the task is executed.
Its type, which can take one of the following values:
SCRIPT_CLUSTER. Execution of the script to disable or enable a cluster in the load balancer.
SCRIPT_SERVER. Execution of the script to disable or enable a server in the load balancer.
VQL. Execution of the VQL commands of a revision.
SCH. Import scheduler metadata.
DATACATALOG_SYNC. Data Catalog server metadata synchronization.
CACHE. Perform the cache swap in a Virtual DataPort server.
ROLLBACK. Execution of rollback operation.
BACKUP. Generation of backup data after finishing the current deployment execution.
SERVER_DEPLOYMENT. The server was ignored because it was disabled.
CLUSTER_DEPLOYMENT. The cluster was ignored because it was disabled.
Its start date.
Its end date.
Its state:
In progress.
Skipped. The task was not executed.
Warning. The task was executed but finished with a warning.
Its output. You can check the output produced during the execution of a specific task or the error information, in case it failed. Click the
icon and select the option you want from the emerging menu.
A new dialog will open with the information you selected.